Such a nasty man
Published October 21, 2016
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, October 20, 2016.
Donald Trump soundly defeated Donald Trump last night.
For a while at the start, Republicans had reason to hope he would arrest the free fall. Then Trump slipped out of his handlers’ leash. Or the drugs wore off. And again we saw the real Donald Trump.
The headline, of course, is that he is the first politician ever to refuse to concede before he even lost.
But that’s no surprise. Trump, as he always tells us, is a winner. He wins and wins big. Everybody else is a loser. So if he loses, by definition, it’s rigged, it’s corrupt, it’s crooked. QED.
More revealing were two other things he said.
First, “nobody has more respect for women than me.” Seriously. He said that. It ranks with Richard Nixon: “I am not a crook.”
The second came when Hillary Clinton smilingly jabbed him for not paying taxes. He scowled, then growled: “Such a nasty woman.”
At that moment, the X-ray of television showed us Trump’s true character.
Once again, just as before, he was rude, boorish, arrogant and dishonest. He interrupted, interjected and talked over Clinton and Chris Wallace. Time after time, what he said made absolutely no sense at all.
It is striking that throughout three 90-minute debates – four and a half hours on camera – Trump almost never smiled. Never a real grin or a simple smile of true joy, pleasure or amusement. The closest thing was a smirk or a sneer when he got off a line mocking, attacking or insulting somebody.
You realize that this is a deeply angry and insecure man. He is, truly, a sad man. You almost feel sorry for him.
But no. Not really.
You almost feel sorry for the Republican Party he is supposed to represent. But Republican politicians brought this on themselves with years upon years of race-baiting, immigrant-bashing, LGBT-bashing, women-warring, birther-conspiring, Obama-obstructing and big-money trough-feeding. Not to mention perpetrating the myth of voter fraud.
They have reaped what they sowed. Now Trump will launch a civil war that will leave their party bloody, divided and decimated.
You do feel sorry, though, for the millions of Americans whose concerns are supposed to be Trump’s cause.
There are many good, decent, intelligent citizens who distrust the Clintons, abhor abortion, worry about the Second Amendment, worry about our country’s moral and religious foundations, live in fear of crime, dislike big government, distrust trade deals, want a stronger war against ISIS, and want no more politics as usual.
They deserve a leader. Instead they got an egomaniac who cares only for himself, his possessions and his position.
They got a man who, in just three weeks, will stand exposed for what he is.
A nasty loser.
October 21, 2016 at 9:19 am
Steve Lancaster says:
Such a nasty man, and such an evil corrupt woman. His words and attitude are shameful. Her lies and actions are shameful. His solutions to problems not fleshed out. Her solutions to problems indeed fleshed out...and frightening. She wants to appoint justices who do not have high regard for or willingness to abide strictly to the constitution. Her lies and cover up of Benghazi and her emails are dismissed by supporters as nothing to see criminal acts, no she is presumed innocent of wrongdoing. His stupid words, his obvious character flaws are exposed 24/7 while she is given a pass. New information leaked and yet no person from either party says a word about reopening investigations based on new evidence. Do we really have to choose betwen a woman who should be behind bars and disqualified from running and a man who disqualifies himself almost every time he opens his mouth? May God have mercy on this nation....we need it.
October 21, 2016 at 1:17 pm
Bennie Lee says:
We'er voting on Billy Graham vs Mother Taressa, we need someone not beholden
to any Washington or otherwise groups, someone who is not a Washington insider
someone who can appoint the right people to get the job done.
Donald Trump is our only hope to do that. Certainly not Hillary Clinton.