Stupid is as stupid does
Published August 28, 2014
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, August 27, 2014.
August 28, 2014 at 11:42 am
Norm Kelly says:
Is it that your president chose not to put on his stupid hat or is it that he couldn't take time away from the golf course to be bothered to put on his stupid hat?
So, you give one example of when your president hasn't put on his stupid hat. Good job. Cuz the list of times when he has chosen to put on his stupid hat is so long that it can't be printed in just one or two news paper editorials or a single response. Remember when the white police officer was doing his job by preventing a break-in at the home of a University professor? Your president admitted he didn't know the facts, but chose to put on his stupid hat and referred to the white officer as stupid. Not because he knew the white officer had done anything wrong. But BECAUSE the office was white and the potential perp was BLACK! Yet your president chose to put on his stupid hat. Remember? Or didn't that count for some reason?
However, everyone including libs need to remember that Congress authorized action in both theaters. Both 'wars' were properly authorized by Congress. The US was attacked by al-kida extremists. We've tried the option of ignoring when we are attacked by these extremists. It didn't stop them from killing us. So, when the world was convinced that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, the US responded. When it was determined that al-kida was getting support from Afghan, we responded. Extremists killing Americans need to be responded to. Even if they are allies of your president.
However, when the sides are NOT clear, the best response MIGHT not be to respond with war. But has your president gotten authorization from Congress as President Bush did? You libs need to remember that even John Kerry was for the war. Of course, that is before he did one of his famous flip-flops and decided he was against the war after he was for it. But it was his first vote that counted cuz it was the only vote. What's worse than a war-mongering president, as libs love to call Bush? A wishy-washy, afraid-to-take-a-stand lib who can't make up his mind - that would be John Kerry.
When your president has chosen sides, he's usually chosen America's enemy. He's usually sided with the muslim extremists. Do you even wonder why? Does this bother you? Do you consider that he's put on his stupid hat then?