Study says NC's immigrants have positive economic impact
Published April 16, 2014
by David Ranii, News and Observer, April 15, 2014.
A new study by researchers at UNC-Chapel Hill found that North Carolina’s immigrant population has a positive impact on the state’s economy, with immigrants contributing $23,371 on a per-capita basis.
“There are value adds to North Carolina immigrants,” said researcher Stephen J. Appold of UNC’s Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise and co-author of the study. “They have boosted economic growth. They have helped prosperity through the boom times ... and, a little bit to our surprise, also during the bust.”
That finding is sure to add fuel to the highly emotional debate over immigrants, as it contradicts the often-expressed argument that those who migrate to the U.S. from foreign countries are a drain on the economy.
The U.S. Senate passed an immigration reform bill last fall, but the debate in the House has bogged down over whether undocumented immigrants should have a path to citizenship.
Roughly 750,000 immigrants live in North Carolina. The UNC study added up the immigrants’ consumer spending and their ripple effect, plus the taxes they pay, then subtracted the public services they consume to come up with an estimated “net benefit.” Commissioned by the N.C. Bankers Association, the study was released Tuesday morning at a news conference at the Sheraton Imperial hotel in Durham. About 100 people attended, including a bevy of bankers and public officials.
The study updated and expanded a 2006 study that focused solely on Hispanics. The latest study covers all immigrants, irrespective of where they migrated from and regardless of their status – naturalized citizen or noncitizen, in the country legally or illegally.
Hispanics have a less positive impact on the state’s economy than immigrants as a whole – $10,418 on a per-capita basis, less than half the net benefit of immigrants overall.
Similarly, the immigrants’ overall impact on taxes – that is, the taxes paid by immigrants minus the tax dollars needed to provide them with services – amounts to a surplus of $48 million, or $42 per immigrant. But Hispanics’ tax impact produces “a net fiscal loss to the state of $462 million or about $578 per Hispanic resident,” according to the study.
The difference stems largely from the cost of educating the children of Hispanic immigrants, Appold said.
Jobs issue not addressed
The negative tax impact of Hispanics raised consternation among some in the audience that those numbers would be a focal point for immigration opponents.
“My concern is that people might take that as a negative thing and stop there, without thinking about the investment,” Marco A. Zarate, president of the N.C. Society of Hispanic Professionals, said after the presentation. “Investment in a Latino student is investing in North Carolina.”
Maria T. Unger Palmer, a Chapel Hill council member, had a similar reaction.
“The more we invest, the better off our state will be in 20 years,” she said.
The study doesn’t address whether immigrants take jobs away from the native-born or depress overall wages.
But Appold said that “the primary group that immigrants compete with is other immigrants.”
And, he added, a study of construction workers found that immigrants didn’t depress wages for the native-born because they were able to move into more highly skilled, better-paying construction jobs as the immigrants were hired for entry jobs.
Many jobs held by immigrants are “3-D jobs” – that is, “difficult, dirty and dangerous,” said co-author James H. Johnson Jr., a professor at UNC’s Kenan-Flagler Business School.
Although the state’s immigrants have higher poverty rates than the native-born, Johnson said, “They came here to work. ... They are more likely to be the working poor rather than the jobless poor.”
“That’s a critical consideration in public policy debates,” Johnson added. “One is considered to be deserving and one is considered to be undeserving.”
More Asian immigrants
The average immigrant in North Carolina earns $58,899, which is lower than the $63,197 average of the native-born. However, Johnson said, the average masks the fact that immigrants who are naturalized citizens actually earn more than the native-born: $77,253.
As of 2012, nearly 60 percent of the state’s foreign-born population came from Latin America. But in recent years immigration from Latin America has tapered off, giving way to “a boom” in migration from Asian countries, Johnson said.
In addition, “the majority of immigrants arriving since 2010 are well-educated,” Johnson said.
The study’s estimate of the economic impact of immigrants includes the jobs created by immigrants’ consumer spending: an estimated 171,000 jobs.
Overall, immigrants’ consumer spending contributed $19.76 billion to the state economy in 2010, according to the study.
Among the attendees of Tuesday’s news conference was U.S. Rep. Renee Ellmers, a Republican from Dunn whose primary opponents have criticized her stance on immigration. She said afterward that she was there on a fact-finding mission.
“The positive impact on North Carolina that the immigration population brings to us is something we all have to consider,” she said. “As you know, it’s a very emotional issue. That is what I hear from my constituents, and I understand that completely.”
April 16, 2014 at 8:12 am
TPWohlford says:
Once again, since the N-O doesn't allow conservative voices on staff, they totally miss the arguments made by those who oppose the proposed immigration reform.
For starters, there is a WORLD of difference between those who come here with a H1 or Green Card to work high-skill jobs, and those who come here illegally and work in the dark underworld they live in. Not only do they bring skills needed by local high-paying employers, they seem to lack the crime problems (at least if you can believe the crime stats of Morrisville). Ergo, immigration per se is not seen as a bad thing by most who oppose the various immigration reform plans.
But the guys at N-O are too busy banging their own drum, deafened to the rest of the wonderful orchestra around them -- and also wondering why no one paid to see their show anymore.
April 16, 2014 at 9:31 am
jimmy rouse says:
Immigration reform is coming.
The Tea Party crowd can resist all they want but immigration reform will be passed sooner or later. It will be yet another blow to the Tea Party and their rhetoric of shipping the illegals back home is appealing to less and less people.
Once the Tea Party faces reality then they will disband.
April 16, 2014 at 6:26 pm
TPWohlford says:
Of course the TEA people that they're not gonna be shipped home. Politicians of both sides made that impossible. And of course, it will be "amnesty" because no Obama agency -- certainly not ICE -- could ever handle 13 million complicated applications for anything.
What they're doing is holding out for the fixes BEFORE they cave. Unlike last time, when they accepted the promises that things would be fixed AFTER amnesty.
IT really helps if one knows the other side's argument BEFORE they start arguing.
BTW, not long ago, your side was DEATH on immigration. HATED IT. What happened? Sold down the river? Or just think this is your way to hang onto power?
April 17, 2014 at 7:19 am
Jimmy Rouse says:
You really do not have to know the argument to get the Tea Party nutcases riled up. Just thrown out a few sentences and watch the Tea Party fruitcakes start foaming at the mouth.
All I know is that immigration reform is coming by a bipartisan vote.
It is the right thing to do.
April 17, 2014 at 11:04 am
Norm Kellly says:
Thank you to the others who have posted here to point out the fallacy of the N&D post. Usually it's easy to determine how much truth will be in an editorial post. If it comes from the N&D there's probably a great deal of truth missing! This editorial is a great example.
Like most libs, whether N&D media types or members of the demon party/class, this editorial conflates immigrants with illegal aliens. Illegal aliens are actually a drain on the economy as a whole. Especially when one takes into account the other lie told by Obama & the demons in Washington, including K, when they forced Obamacancer down our throats: socialized medicine would NOT cover illegals. So when we are forced to pay additional funds to medical care for illegal aliens, we'll see just how negatively illegal aliens affect our economy.
One other way illegal aliens negatively affect our economy: lowered wages. When an employer can hire an illegal for an artificially low wage, with very little fear of retribution by the occupant of the White House, then that company can either pay their legal employees less or terminate them to hire another illegal.
Another way illegal aliens negatively affect our economy: unemployment increases. For every illegal who takes a job, potentially one full American citizen does NOT get a job. It's possible that some businesses, like in the construction industry, hire multiple illegals to replace American citizens.
In addition, it's likely that most illegal aliens aren't paying proper taxes. Which simply becomes ANOTHER drain on the economy.
So, instead of Washington Demons proposing ANOTHER amnesty program, why don't they propose we start by following existing law. Then the next step would be to implement immigration policy like so many other loving, leftie countries have done. Take Mexico as a perfect example of how they treat illegals. Then research how one of the Nordic countries handles immigration. If we implemented their types of laws and actually followed them, we wouldn't have an illegal alien problem. And this issue would go away as one that demons can demagogue. We need to take away of the issues that they love to demagogue so people can start concentrating on all the other stuff that Demons, and this White House occupant, do that is ILLEGAL.
I know the first flaw in my proposal. Getting current demon politicians to follow EXISTING law. The old saying about stuff rolls down hill certainly applies to this administration. When the 'leader' (who leads from behind) refuses to follow the law, has his attorney general refuse to follow the law, then the rest of the party loyalists also find it inconvenient and unnecessary to follow the law. Witness those demons who helped the IRS illegally target conservative groups. Ok. Just one example. But there are SO MANY examples of lawlessness amongst this group of demon politicians that it's hard to keep up with most of them.
Will I bother reading the rest of the N&D editorial? Why waste my time. It's like listening to the White House occupier speak. Nothing useful or truthful spewing forth, so why waste my time.
NOTE: I refuse to be politically correct. I refuse to call law breakers by any other name, as demons are wont to do. I will not call them 'undocumented aliens'. They ARE illegal aliens and will be described as such in every one of my posts. If more people refer to illegals properly, we'll be able to implement a reasonable response to the problem. If we continue to allow politicians who stand to gain by telling lies about these people, we will continue to have the WRONG policies implemented and the laws will continue to be ignored. It's time for honesty. A word totally foreign to the White House occupier, and way too many demon politicians. And too many demon voters. Like Soros.