Standing in the shadows laughing
Published September 9, 2015
by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, September 8, 2015.
The Republicans are so mad they’re ready to lynch every politician in Washington so, if you’re the Prince of Mischief, you need a magic trick. Quick.
Next, out of nowhere, a man walks onto a stage who talks in plain simple English, saying, China is screwing us, who doesn’t sound a bit like a politician and, in the blink of an eye, he’s leading an army of anti-Washington crusaders and ahead of every Republican candidate in the polls.
He steps to a podium at the rally in New Hampshire and says, I’ll make a smarter President than any of them, sounding more like a fellow in love with what he sees in the mirror each morning than a deliverer but it doesn’t matter: In the audience, watching, a man turns to a reporter and grins, He’s a breath of fresh air.
Trump brags how he’s going to make great trade deals, save Social Security, come up with health care plans that are phenomenal, just phenomenal, and, the magic flowing, the crown goes wild.
It’s like the world’s turned upside down.
Calling a woman a pig isn’t rudeness – it’s standing up to political correctness. Going bankrupt isn’t a failure it’s a success (‘All the greatest people have done it,’ he says). Buying politicians and giving money to both sides isn’t wrong it’s clever – the bullets bounce off like pinpricks and the magic grows and the media hails him as a conqueror (because he’d scored more buzz on Twitter than any other candidate): He’s Chief of the Crusaders.
But is the Devil standing in the shadows laughing?