Split state
Published May 26, 2016
by John Wynne, Politics North Carolina, May 25, 2016.
The latest poll from PPP is a sight to behold: just about every statewide contest is totally tied. The race for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and State Treasurer are all within a point of each other. There’s also interesting results when it comes to HB 2. Let’s take a look.
41% McCrory (-1)
41% Cooper (-2)
5% Cecil (+1)
Not much has changed since the last poll from PPP. Both party’s candidates lost support from last month, and the Libertarian has gained slightly. None of the changes are significant, though it does suggest that McCrory’s political obituary has been written too early. This looks more like the ultra-competitive contest that it was before the passage of HB 2.
Lieutenant Governor
38% Forest
38% Coleman
A tie here too. This race will be determined almost entirely by turnout and the coattails from the presidential candidates.
Attorney General
39% Stein
38% Newton
Stein’s 1-point lead over Newton is actually the biggest of any of these four races. Like the Lieutenant Governor race, it will be determined by factors other than the candidates themselves. It should be mentioned that Senator Newton has aligned himself closely with HB 2.
State Treasurer
38% Blue
38% Folwell
Another tied race. Both candidates have their strengths. Turning out the black vote will be critical for Blue.
McCrory Approval
44% Approve (+4)
49% Disapprove (no change)
A big boost in McCrory’s approval rating from last poll is seen here – last month it was only 40%. It’s unknown why he gained or even if he gained, but regardless it’s good news for the governor.
Cooper Favorability
30% Favorable (-7)
33% Unfavorable (+6)
And now some bad news for Mr. Cooper. The negative ads are clearly having an effect here. Last month his favorable rating was 37/27, a good rating for any prospective candidate. Now he’s underwater. Republican groups attacking Cooper should be happy at this result, and will keep pounding.
Miscellaneous Favorable Ratings
HB 2 Repeal 50/38
HB 2 35/44
Legislative Democrats 35/49
Legislative Republicans 32/51
General Assembly 19/53
Note the disparity in opposition to HB 2 and support for its repeal. Only 44% of voters say they’re opposed to the law, but 50% want repeal. Obviously, a lot of voters with no opinion on HB 2 itself have an opinion on whether or not to repeal it.
The bottom line – for well over a month now the Cooper team has been having a victory lap. That may have been premature, as this poll finds the candidates knotted as closely together as they’ve ever been. McCrory’s strength is the economy. The furor over HB 2 has not helped him, but it’s possible the federal government’s entry into the debate has allowed him to recover slightly. That, and negative ads attacking his opponent. This still looks to be the premier gubernatorial race in the country.
May 31, 2016 at 1:25 pm
Bennie Lee says:
Why, why aren't respectable persons not calling for Cooper's resignation? He is NOT upholding the oath he took. Look it up,see what he took an oath to do.
He should resign. Two times now he has boldly said he was not going to uphold his office,twice.
Where is the justice?