Something you don't see often
Published September 5, 2024
By Carter Wrenn
You don’t see many people like James Lankford – getting along with both sides in a divided world he tells people ‘Your faith should affect everything you do. It’s how I treat my wife. It’s how I treat strangers. Every person’s created in the image of God. They have value and worth. As I joke with some of my Democratic friends, they vote wrong all the time but we can still be friends.’
Climbing out on a limb to stop illegal immigrants pouring across the border Senator Lankford set out to pass a bill.
Democrats, on the opposite side of the aisle, told him he had to add a pathway to citizenship for ‘Dreamers’ to get their support. Republican Senators wouldn’t vote for that. Lankford told Democrats they had to help him ‘stop the bleeding’ first – by securing the border. They could fight over the other issues down the road. The two sides shook hands. Backed by both Democrats and Republicans Lankford’s bill headed to the Senate floor for a vote.
Politics reared its head.
The border mess was sinking Biden; pundits on Fox, across the internet, podcasters, tore into Lankford telling him cleaning up the mess would help Biden – one threatened, I’ll destroy you if you do this. Because though I like you, I like President Trump better, and he’s got to be elected for the future of the country, and you can’t take this issue off the table.
Trump told Republican Senators not to pass Lankford’s bill. The bill died.
An assassin tried to kill Trump.
Reaching out to Trump, Lankford told him, I’m praying for you. Buried the hatchet.
That’s something you don’t see often in politics these days.