Silenced NC voters

Published July 12, 2015

by Bob Hall and Isela Gutierrez, Democracy North Carolina, published in Greenville Daily Reflector, July 11. 2015.

This week, a federal judge in Winston-Salem will begin considering whether the following voters should have their voices heard in elections:

  • Mary, a 50-year-old, African-American Democrat, moved from Wisconsin back to her home county in eastern North Carolina in 2013. She applied for a driver’s license at the DMV office and said “Yes” when asked if she wanted to register to vote. But when she went to vote in 2014, her name was not on the voter roll. She showed her driver’s license to the elections officials but still couldn’t vote.
  • Luke, a 25-year-old, white Republican, moved from Ohio to his new wife’s home in Pitt County. He got his license and registered to vote at the DMV in May 2014, but said he encountered “quite a hassle” at the early voting center that fall because “the paperwork wasn’t filed.” His ballot was rejected.
  • Roberta, 40, black Democrat, went to the polling site where she voted in 2012, but the Wilson County elections official said she needed to go to a different poll. Since it was late, the official said she could use a provisional ballot that would count — but it didn’t.
  • Stephen, 41, a white Unaffiliated artist, lives in his downtown studio in Greensboro and is registered at that address. But officials at the polling place couldn’t find his name and didn’t know where to send him; his provisional ballot didn’t count.

All these voters — and thousands of others — were silenced in 2014 because of an anti-voter law enacted by the General Assembly and Gov. Pat McCrory in 2013. Among other changes, the law eliminates two safety provisions that once rescued voters with problems like those above.

The loss of these two features is at the heart of the case now before District Court Judge Thomas Schroeder.

One safety feature said a voter with a registration problem (Mary and Luke) could go to an early voting site, show their identification, register or re-register, and vote on the same day.

The second one said a registered voter in the wrong precinct on Election Day (Roberta and Stephen) could cast a provisional ballot that would count for the contests on the voter’s home precinct’s ballot.

These two safety features helped over 100,000 N.C. voters participate in each of the last two presidential elections. We estimate their elimination, with other changes enacted in 2013, disenfranchised at least 30,000 voters in 2014.

The victims include a Greensboro police officer and Wilmington student whose registrations with a civic group’s volunteer were not submitted; veterans in Asheville and Franklinton who returned from Afghanistan to learn they couldn’t vote because their registrations had been mysteriously canceled; and citizens we found in dozens of counties who thought, wrongly, that they had successfully registered through the DMV.

All these voters followed the rules — but they were silenced by bureaucratic glitches, inept DMV examiners, poorly trained registrars and poll workers, and bad laws that treat voting like a limited privilege, not a fundamental right.

The loss of safety procedures harms voters of every description, but especially African Americans and youth. That’s not an accident.

Republican strategist Jack Hawke, a former state GOP chairman who guided McCrory’s campaigns, analyzed his party’s defeat in 2008 in an essay that concluded, “The (Obama) campaign targeted the most likely straight-ticket voters and made sure they voted early. The number of black and young voters was unprecedented.” It’s easy to see how the partisan goal of winning became intertwined with a strategy to reduce the black and youth vote.

The sweeping 2013 law followed this script perfectly, although it was sold as a remedy for fraud. It cut back early voting and ended straight-ticket voting, same-day registration and voting, out-of-precinct voting, and pre-registration for teenagers. In 2012, African Americans and youth age 18 to 25 made up 22 percent and 12 percent of the state’s registered voters, respectively, but they were 34 percent and 33 percent of those who used same-day registration. Of course, that means a lot of whites and Republicans are also affected, as collateral damage.

The truth is our election system is hobbled more by human error, especially at the DMV, than by voter fraud. We need the protections of same-day registration and out-of-precinct voting to save honest citizens from being cheated out of the most basic right in our democratic republic.

In the names of Mary, Luke, Roberta, Stephen and maybe you some day, let’s hope the judge agrees.

Bob Hall is executive director, and Isela Gutierrez is associate research director, of Democracy North Carolina.

July 12, 2015 at 8:38 am
Richard L Bunce says:

Straight ticket voting? Really? Purely political BS.

14 States, mostly in the NE US, have NO early voting days.

Only 11 States have same day registration.

Pandering to the irresponsible is something political parties should do... not government. Get your base ready to vote.

July 12, 2015 at 10:45 am
Richard L Bunce says:

Applicable links...

... and only 10 States offer straight ticket voting.

July 12, 2015 at 7:39 pm
Norm Kelly says:

So, this editorial shows 2 important facts.

First, since a WHITE REPUBLICAN had his vote rejected, this law obviously is not some devious attempt by Republicans to prevent blacks from voting. Kinda blows the entire theory put forth by libs, demons, the buffet slayer, and most editorial writers.

Second, there's a definite problem with registering at the DMV. This is a problem with the process and appears to have nothing to do with VIVA changes. Makes the issue irrelevant to any argument involving VIVA.

The out-of-precinct voting problem is definitely a problem and one that should be corrected by the legislature NOT SOME JUDGE! The issue can be fixed easily. If a judge attempts to resolve this item, it's almost certain that the judge will throw out the entire law rather than just this one part. Unlike SCOTUS that changes laws in order to deem them Constitutional, the judge who decides this aspect of the voting changes is more likely to reject the entire law. Wouldn't it be nice if libs got the same treatment on this law as they got on the issue of socialized medicine. Bogus decision in one case should translate into a bogus decision in this case: the judge should reject just the out-of-precinct aspect and ratify the remainder of the law!

Same day registration is a bogus desire. It's meant to create voter fraud. And libs expect that voter fraud translates into more votes for them. It's worked for them in the past, why would they expect it to not work for them in the future. What purpose does it serve to have a date for registration if anyone can register on voting day? This is a ridiculous expectation and only serves to promote laziness amongst an already disinterested electorate. If you can't bother to register by the specified date, you shouldn't be allowed to vote in this current election. Done!

Which other states have same day registration? Does the lib mecca of NY have this crazy idea? How about the left coast, does CA have this scheme in place? (maybe CA does. it could explain how jerry brown keeps getting elected!) It would be nice if the judge were to uphold the elimination of same day reg!

I've worked the polls. What a boring day that is! And LOOOOONG! During a presidentail election a person from CA came into my precinct (here in NC) to complete a provisional ballot. He hadn't voted early at home. He was sent on a business trip last minute and wouldn't be back in CA to cast his ballot. So he wanted to cast a provisional ballot in NC so his vote for pres would count. But it can't. Is this because Republicans are trying to disenfranchise certain people? No. It's simply because it's impossible for our state to check with his state to determine if he's a valid voter, hasn't voted yet in CA, etc. etc. etc. So, even though he felt good about voting, he didn't, and he shouldn't have been lied to about it possibly counting. Yet his vote SHOULD NOT count! Would any lib consider this 'disenfranchisement'? Probably. But it would be bad for his self-esteem (or some such lib blather!) if he were told directly that he couldn't cast a provisional ballot in our state because it couldn't count. But we HAD to let him complete the ballot. Is it possible that some do-gooder or leftie or law-breaker at Board of Elections played games with this vote and had it counted in NC anyway? Yes. I know it's only 1 vote. But what if it happened all over the nation? This is the kind of stuff that should be prevented when/if possible.

Telling someone like this up front that the vote won't count is the better solution. Allowing me to vote in one Wake County district (by mistake) cuz I just showed up at the wrong precinct should be allowed by provisional ballot. The rest of VIVA changes should be accepted, ratified, allowed by the judge. Cuz the rest of the arguments against it are bogus, useless, pointless. Attempts to prevent voter fraud are fought by libs of every stripe every time they are tried. Wonder why? Shouldn't their reason be obvious. Same reason they are pro-illegal alien voting!

July 13, 2015 at 10:40 am
Frank Burns says:

The evidence shows you to be repeating lies. Voter turnout among minorities increased last election after the NC voting law changes. Democracy NC is a fraudulent organization by declaring itself non partisan. Show us who donates money to your cause before you make any more outrageous pronouncements.