Signs of political independence
Published June 14, 2015
Editorial by Wilmington Star-News, June 13, 2015.
Recent actions in Raleigh and Washington offer a rare and refreshing reminder that politicians are not always in lockstep with their party.
Some voters expect the person they elected to toe the party line 100 percent of the time. Some voters would rather see elected officials show a more independent streak. With the reality that candidates need party support not only to win elections but also to wield power in legislative bodies, it's not always an easy decision for an elected official or a candidate to buck their party.
We have been especially impressed with Gov. Pat McCrory's willingness to veto several pieces of bad legislation passed by the Republican- controlled N.C. General Assembly. Unfortunately, the legislature was able to override both vetoes.
Senate Bill 2 allows magistrates and register of deeds workers to recuse themselves from being involved in civil marriage duties "based upon any sincerely held religious objection."
The law obviously is aimed at same-sex marriages, but note that the law is vague, making it perhaps even worse. What if the official's religion opposes interracial marriages? What if they refuse to marry a couple who had been living together? Or a previously divorced couple?
That is why the rule of law and equal protection under that rule of law are bedrocks of our government.
McCrory said it well Thursday in his response to the veto override:
"It's a disappointing day for the rule of law and the process of passing legislation in North Carolina. I will continue to stand up for conservative principles that respect and obey the oath of office for public officials across our state and nation."
The governor also vetoed – also overridden – House Bill 405, the so-called "ag-gag" bill, which opens up to legal action employees who report illegal practices at businesses. Who exactly are the Honorables trying to protect here?
Lawmakers voted roughly on party lines, save three Democrats who voted to override the governor's veto, and three Republicans who broke with their caucus to support it.
Several of those legislators are from our area: Rep. Rick Catlin, a Wilmington Republican, voted against the override. Reps. William Brisson of Bladen County and Ken Waddell of Columbus County, both Democrats, voted for the override.
Brisson told WECT News that "the vote was the wishes of the people that I represent." He cited the "strong Christian beliefs" in his rural district.
In Washington, where votes usually fall exactly along party lines, Democrats split with President Barack Obama and shot down an effort to give the president so-called fast track authority to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.
In the same vein, many Republicans held their noses and supported the president. The final tally is one rarely seen in Washington anymore: Voting yes were 40 Democrats and 86 Republicans. Voting no were 144 Democrats and 158 Republicans.
Locally, Rep. David Rouzer (R) sided with the president and Rep. Walter Jones (R) against the measure.
The votes in Raleigh and in Washington both demonstrate that there are serious disagreements among members of both major parties.
Perhaps with less conformity in our political parties our representatives will learn or relearn the art of compromise.
Last week's actions were by no means a watershed moment for political independence, but, at this point, we will take whatever we can get.