Sick of ads
Published May 15, 2014
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, May 14, 2014.
May 15, 2014 at 6:56 pm
Norm Kellly says:
I find myself agreeing with Gary. I'll probably lose sleep tonight because of this!
The only reason I'm glad there are ads on tv is so someone pays for the programs I want to watch. Otherwise, skipping commercials is the way to go. The worst commercial has got to be TimeWarner advertising for TimeWarner while watching a show on TimeWarner.
There have been occasions where the political ad was worth watching. Once. Maybe twice. Never more.
Most of the medical ads don't just make me happy I don't suffer from whatever they are trying to help, but I'm glad as all get out that I don't have to experience any or all of the side effects. But, now that Gary mentions it, that 4 hour erection ...