Senate strongmen will kill historic tax credit plan
Published April 3, 2015
Editorial by Fayetteville Observer, April 3, 2015.
It wasn't all that long ago that a generation of Republican lawmakers in Raleigh screamed to high heaven about how state Senate leaders bottled up their legislation and mostly killed it.
The targets of their anguish were Senate leader Marc Basnight and Majority Leader (and Rules Committee chair) Tony Rand of Fayetteville. In interparty relations, the two had all the finesse of a sledgehammer.
On Wednesday, Apodaca said the House-passed, bipartisan-supported bill reviving the state's Historic Property Tax Credit program is "graveyard dead" in the Senate. "That's nothing the Senate will handle," the Hendersonville Republican said. "It doesn't match anything we believe the historic tax credit should look like."
Never mind that the tax credits have fueled a revival of historic city and town centers for years. That includes the remarkable resurrection of downtown Fayetteville. And never mind that those credits also fueled economic development whose value is many multiples of the tax credits. Berger and Apodaca don't like it, so it's dead.
April 3, 2015 at 11:21 am
Richard L Bunce says:
Lets see, the government confiscates the wealth of its citizens and then hands it out to politically connected interests but the legislatures who want to stop that are thugs? Do not know how these elected officials answer the race question on their Census form but I thought the PC police had banned that word?