Save your breath

Published March 10, 2015

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, March 9, 2015.

Before any 2016 death match, Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush face a death march through the media and their own parties’ chattering crowds.


Last week’s crisis was Clinton’s email while Secretary of State. The DC media pounced and some Democrats went into a frenzy of fretting: The Clintons are their own worst enemies! They think they’re above the rules! They can’t handle the media! Hillary can’t get her own campaign organized!


While the rest of us wondered: Who cares? 


(The most interesting development was Lindsay Graham saying he has never sent an email. Really? Never? Isn’t that a Constitutional requirement to be President?)


Bush faces his own media/party critique: He’s too moderate! Conservatives in Iowa don’t like him! Even Republicans have Bush fatigue! His charter school in Florida failed!


This is all gripping chatter to those who like to chatter. But now is a good time to remind yourself that no real votes will be cast for nearly 10 months. 


You can breathlessly follow all this all year if you want. After all, either Clinton or Bush, or other candidates, could chase a rabbit off a cliff any time. 


Or you could save your breath. There’s a long way to go.

March 10, 2015 at 7:39 am
Frank Burns says:

The problem with Hillary's email is very serious. Do we want a president with a record of telling others to do as she says, not as she does? Do we want a president with a pattern of being above the rules? Do we want a president with so little disregard for security as she did with her email?

Then there is the problem with the Clinton Foundation. They received all those donations from rogue nations while she was serving as secretary of state. I wonder how much came from Red China and Russia? What do they expect to receive in return?