Salary breakthrough on budget
Published August 27, 2015
by Laura Leslie & Mark Binker, WRAL, August 26, 2015.
Day 56 and still no state budget. But there is proof lawmakers are getting closer.
Lawmakers appear to finally be making progress on a budget deal. They announced Wednesday they've come to an agreement on pay for teachers and state employees.
Under the deal agreed to this afternoon, all state employees and teachers would receive a 750 dollar bonus later this year. However, that's instead of a two percent raise that House leaders proposed but Senate leaders would not agree to. They had previously agreed to raise starting teacher salary to $35,000. That's still in the deal, and so are teachers' modified step increases.
Senate budget chief says the deal will also include tens of millions of dollars that agency heads can use at their discretion for raises for workers whose salaries are far below market rates, as well as for correctional officers and magistrates.