Published March 24, 2017
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, March 22, 2017.
This looks familiar.
A President’s election campaign is investigated by the FBI for possible lawbreaking. The media is hot on the trail. Deep Throats are leaking all over Washington. Congress is asking questions.
A President, known for his paranoia and his disregard for the truth, lashes out at critics, reporters and leakers. His loyalists and his hapless press secretary attack the media. Allegations of wiretaps hurl and swirl around.
Meanwhile, the world gets more dangerous every day – in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. What dictator might be tempted to push the nuclear button? Would the President himself manufacture a crisis to save his skin?
And America grows more divided every day.
The President’s critics worry about his emotional and mental stability. They worry about dark forces in the White House that might resort to authoritarian measures. They smell a cover-up in the White House, the Department of Justice and the Congress.
The President’s defenders see him under siege by a hostile media and political Establishment. They believe a hostile elite is trying to win what they lost in the election. They press him not to give an inch.
But there are differences from Watergate.
Then, there was a political center in Washington. There were politicians who put country above party, the Constitution above politics. On both sides of the aisle.
There was a conservative Southern Democrat named Ervin. A moderate Southern Republican named Baker. And more.
After Watergate, Americans said our system worked. The system upheld the principle that no one, not even the President, is above the law.
Trump might be the ultimate test of our system and that principle.