Run, everybody, run
Published January 18, 2019
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, January 16, 2019,
Run, Joe, run. Run, Elizabeth, run. Run, Beto, run. Run, Kamala, run.
Run, Kirsten and Julian and Cory and Amy and Donner and Blitzen, Prancer and Dancer, Bluto and Pluto and Rudolph and all the Democratic 2020 hopefuls.
If Democrats make a mistake this time, it’ll damn sure be a different mistake from last time. In 2016 we had just two choices, Hillary or Bernie. Hillary turned out to be a status quo candidate when voters wanted to burn down the status quo. Bernie was a socialist and not even a Democrat. He was the choice for bros who weren’t man enough to say they wouldn’t vote for a woman.
So America got Trump.
This time we’ll have two dozen choices. Every flavor you could want. We’re the Baskin-Robbins of political parties.
In a perfect world, this bumper crop of candidates will produce excitement, inspiration and victory. Talent will rise to the top. A star will be born. We’ll dump Trump, take Congress and make America truly great again.
Or the Law of Unintended Consequences will kick in. One candidate out of the host on stage will seize the spotlight, win a third of the primary vote and leverage that the nomination, like Trump did in 2016. Then he or she will be unelectable in November, Trump will win again and America will be up shithole creek.
Keep your fingers crossed. And run, run, run.