Rumors and fiction
Published January 8, 2015
by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, January 7, 2015
In a realm filled with rumors in the blink of an eye fictions take root in fertile soil and blossom adopting the image of spoken truth like this one you’ve heard a hundred times: ‘Romney lost because he shifted too far to the right during the primaries.’
In fact, the polls told a completely different story
Here’s another: ‘Jeb Bush isn’t conservative enough to win the Presidential Primary’ – this new homilycreates a damning circle of logic for Republicans and a heart-warming vision for Democrats: A conservative can’t win the General Election but only a conservative can win a Republican Primary.
Cruz can’t win, Paul can’t win, Bush can’t win, which only leaves one question unanswered: How on earth did the Democrats lose the last election?