Rucho: Biased judges made redistricting decision before hearing evidence
Published August 19, 2016
by Senator Bob Rucho, published in The Charlotte Observer, August 17, 2016.From Sen. Bob Rucho, R-Mecklenburg, in response to “Legislators rebuked yet again” (Aug. 15 editorial):The Observer editorial board once again proves you can spin a fairy tale, but have trouble remembering the facts.
Your revised account of history leaves out that North Carolina’s congressional and legislative maps have been validated on no fewer than four occasions – pre-approved by President Obama’s Justice Department, upheld by a majority-Democrat N.C. Superior Court panel, and twice found constitutional by the N.C. Supreme Court.
After losing all of their previous court challenges, the plaintiffs – which you fail to mention include the N.C. Democrat party and other far-left special interests – tried the time-honored legal trick of “judge shopping.”
Unsurprisingly, their ruling ignored the evidence, contradicted legal precedent and twisted the law in an effort to defend and justify their predetermined biased decisions.
As a legislator and concerned citizen, I am sickened by this judicial behavior that undermines the credibility of our judicial system and thwarts the Constitution and the will of the people. I am equally disturbed that the liberal media are willing accomplices to this travesty.
At least your fairy tale gets one thing right: the selection of the next president is pivotal to preserving the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
August 19, 2016 at 10:15 am
Bruce Stanley says:
Amen, Mr. Rucho! Lib judges overturning voter ID and redistricting law in NC "ain't nothin" compared to when Hillary appoints the 9th Supreme Court justice.
August 19, 2016 at 11:37 am
Bruce Stanley says:
Mr. Rucho, Thank you for your productive service to the citizens of NC, particularly with 2013 and 2015 tax reform, which has spearheaded the "Carolina Comeback"! Facts: higher rate of job growth (over 300,000 jobs in NC), GDP growth and even wage growth as compared to the national economy.
August 19, 2016 at 11:38 am
Bruce Stanley says:
Amen, Mr. Rucho! Lib judges overturning voter ID and redistricting law in NC "ain't nothin" compared to when Hillary appoints the 9th Supreme Court justice.
August 20, 2016 at 8:14 am
Penny Sandrock says:
Oh dear I always have to chuckle when I hear or see a legislator cry his indignation on getting exposed trying to bring another unfair advantage to his side. It is proven there was minuscule if any voting fraud in this state or the country for that matter. We all know the republicans have been unusually activate in trying to swing votes their way by any means necessary. An independent nonpartisan company needs to be used that does the redistricting for NC no matter who holds the majority. As for Clinton appoints the next Supreme Court judge, it cant come soon enough after the destructive over the top rightwing bias of Scilia and his yes man Thomas. The door swings both ways, something the republicans have never wanted to accept.
August 20, 2016 at 12:45 pm
Lee Mortimer says:
If Sen. Rucho wants a legislature that reflects "the will of the people," and if he wants out from under endless redistricting lawsuits, then all he has to do is get on board with non-partisan redistricting reform.