Roy Cooper, aspiring governor
Published September 11, 2014
by Taylor Batten, Charlotte Observer, September 10, 2014.
If there was any doubt that Attorney General Roy Cooper plans to run for governor in 2016, Cooper erased it today with a fiery speech to Charlotte Democrats.
Cooper has been dropping plenty of hints in recent months that he hopes to take on Republican Gov. Pat McCrory two years from now. But the four-term AG (that's attorney general, not aspiring governor) gave what was probably his most emphatic, political speech yet to the Uptown Democratic Forum.
Cooper told the crowd that North Carolina is now controlled "not just by Republicans but extremists." He ticked off all the biggest Democratic talking points -- from voting restrictions to teacher pay to Medicaid expansion to environmental safeguards -- and then said: "We have to beat them at the ballot box."
"2016 will be the battle for the heart and soul of North Carolina," Cooper said. "That's when we will take our state back from these extremists" and elect a new governor.
Asked by reporters afterward whether it was safe to say he's officially in the race, Cooper all but said yes. "It's too early to make a formal announcement, but I'm concerned about our state and I'm clearly making plans." Asked why it's too early, Cooper said "we need to get through the 2014 elections" and "show that I'm doing my job as attorney general every day."
Cooper repeatedly referred to the "extremists" running Raleigh. Is Gov. McCrory an extremist, Cooper was asked? "The policies he has supported have been extreme," Cooper said.
A Democratic challenger could still emerge to create a Democratic primary. But it's increasingly looking like Cooper vs. McCrory might be the second-biggest fight on the 2016 card, right under the presidential race.
September 11, 2014 at 9:21 am
Norm Kelly says:
It could be interesting to see a Roy run. Will voters make their decision based on Roy's current job status? Will enough voters ask themselves the important question: if Roy is unwilling to do his current job, will he be able to do a more intense, high-pressure job?
What's extreme about the current legislature/gov compared to what we've had recently? We had a gov who stole money from counties to help balance the state budget. We had a gov who stole money from the E911 fund to help balance the state budget. We had a legislature that put the state in debt to the feds to the tune of 10% of the total budget. This scheme also had no loan repayment plan. We had a gov who kept the existing state level education leader, but at the same time hired another state education leader. This gov didn't replace an education leader she didn't like; this gov ADDED another layer of management or a different layer of management ON TOP of the existing layer. Which cost the TAXPAYERS of the state. Why were we forced to pay for 2 education leaders when 1 is more than enough? We had a gov who had at least 2 employees who lived in the Charlotte area but worked in Raleigh. They were compensated for travel time. They were compensated for travel. And their travel time was considered part of their work day.
During the reign of the demon party, we also had state vehicles that were sitting idle, being paid for by state agencies (taxpayers!) yet not being driven. And we were told that the state couldn't do anything else with the vehicles except let them sit idle and pay for them.
Under the extreme leadership of the demon party we also had a tea cup museum. Then there's the Parton fiasco that the state took over. Oh, and don't forget the legislature that purchased a lake-rated ferry to get school kids from the outer banks to the mainland for school days. The problem with this is the lake-rated ferry was being used ON THE OCEAN! Why would ANYONE do this to our kids? Especially a political party that trumpets it's support 'for the kids' at every opportunity. Most of the time the political party in question uses the phrase 'for the children' even when it's obvious the only purpose for their scheme is to promote the demon party.
Let's define extreme. When the demons controlled Raleigh, we were repeatedly told the budget had been cut to the bone, there was no room left for cutting. Yet taxes and fees went up. AND spending went up! Funny how CUT TO THE BONE resulted in spending increases. Remember when the demons controlled Raleigh and they RAISED the gas tax? The demons claimed that the STATE couldn't afford NOT to raise the tax. They DIDN'T CARE that we citizens couldn't afford the increase in gas prices at the same time as an increase in the gas tax, they just implemented the gas tax increase. Then they used the excuse that the law THEY MADE forced them to raise the tax, their hands were tied. Proving how little they actually care about the citizens of the state.
Talk about EXTREME! I doubt anyone in the media, that used to report NEWS, will mention any of this to Roy when he decides to run. I also doubt anyone in the media will ask Roy about his willingness to do his job! But at least we know Roy won't be an extremist!