Rollback Backlash

Published June 21, 2013

By Gary Pearce in Talking About Politics, June 19, 2013

Looking at the Great Republican Rollback, Democrats are tempted to attack on every front: taxes, Medicaid, teacher pay, jetty ban, Jordan Lake, Child Fatality Task Force, Rural Center, Racial Justice, voter ID, jobless benefits, campaign financing, etc., etc.


Focus, people.


In politics, to say 10 things – or even two things – is to say nothing. It can also sound like just bigger government and more spending.


The sweet spot is education.


Education is the Democratic brand in North Carolina.  A series of Democratic governors and legislators took control of that franchise. Some years back – in the era of Governors Holshouser and Martin – Republicans tried to take some of it. Now they are giving it all away.


Take the gift. Focus on public schools. The university system and the community colleges. The proven value of early childhood education. Common-sense solutions like better-paid teachers and smaller class sizes. Focus on education’s importance to economic growth. Remember that education is what matters most to the growing demographics: young people, families, Hispanics and well-educated people from around the country who come here and want good schools for their families.


Don’t overstate; understate. Ask voters: “Is the Republican school plan right? 46th in teacher pay? We were 21st! Eliminate teacher aides? Bigger class sizes? Cut early-childhood education? Eliminate teacher scholarships? No extra pay for teachers with graduate degrees? Cut teacher training? Tax money for private schools? If you think that’s right, vote Republican. If you don’t, vote Democratic.”