Risky business
Published July 4, 2024
By Carter Wrenn
Born in Moscow, Boris Epshteyn came to America when he was 11 years old, settled in New Jersey, became a lawyer, worked on John McCain’s presidential campaign against Obama, worked with Trump – Steve Bannon calls him Trump’s ‘Wartime Consigliere’.
After Biden won, Trump charged into a grey area trying to do something no one had ever done before: Throw out Biden’s presidential electors and replace them with Trump electors picked by Trump.
Kenneth Chesebro, architect of Trump’s plan, donated to Bill Clinton, worked for Al Gore in 2000, switched sides – put together the first slate of Trump electors in Wisconsin. Epshteyn asked him to put together slates in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico – charging deeper into gray areas.
Prosecutor Jack Smith confiscated Epshteyn’s cell phone, interrogated him for two days. Indicted Trump. But not Epshteyn.
Chesebro got indicted in Georgia, plead guilty – he’s now a key witness for prosecutors in each state. In all a dozen Trump lawyers got indicted. Four cut plea deals.
Trump’s convinced Republicans Biden stole the election. But for his consigliere charging into grey areas turned out to be risky business. Epshteyn just got indicted in Arizona.