Rigged elections
Published October 23, 2016
by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, October 21, 2016.
Donald Trump’s hammered away saying the election’s ‘rigged’ and 24 million people are registered improperly including 1.8 million dead people;— the first time I ever laid eyes on a list of registered voters back in 1976 it was filled with dead people and people who didn’t live at the address where they’d registered to vote. The same thing’s been true of every North Carolina voting list I’ve seen since and the reason’s simple: When a voter moved from Raleigh to Durham he didn’t write the Elections Board in Raleigh and say, I’ve moved. Take me off the voter list, and the same was true when folks died – on their deathbeds they didn’t smile at their loved ones and say, Remember to write the Board of Elections.
When Donald Trump declared 24 million people were registered improperly he simply stated a fact that wouldn’t surprise anyone who’s worked in campaigns – the real question is: ‘How many of those people voted illegally?’
And, of course, a lot of campaigns check on that fact. Because if someone who’s registered improperly votes you can challenge their vote. Years ago a candidate I knew, after losing a close election, went to court and said, Judge, I’ve found evidence people in Durham voted illegally.
The judge said, Alright. Make your case. If you prove enough people voted illegally to change the outcome of your election, I’ll order you a new election.
In other words, if a candidate loses by, say, a thousand votes he has to prove a thousand votes were cast illegally – and, if he does, a judge can order a new election.
There was a story in the newspaper the other day about a man who registered in three different places and voted 12 times in three elections. When he got caught, to defend himself, he plead ‘insanity’ but a judge sent him to jail and fined him $5,000.
Once I worked in a U.S. Senate election in North Carolina where the Republican candidate won by just 6,000 votes. Were we worried about voter fraud? You bet. Did voter fraud change the outcome of the election? No.
If a major election’s close it’s a safe bet an army of lawyers and researchers will descend on Boards of Elections, pouring through voting lists looking for people voted improperly, and if they find enough fraud to change the outcome of the election it’s a safe bet they’ll head to court.
One other relevant fact (for Mr. Trump) in North Carolina: Every Elections Board is now controlled by Republicans – all 101 Republican controlled boards would have to sit idly by twiddling their thumbs for Democrats to steal an election.
Donald Trump’s said flat-out it’s no longer true the candidate who receives the most votes will win – that this election’s rigged. The next question to ask him is the same one that judge asked years ago: Alright. Make your case. Show us your proof. We’re listening.
October 24, 2016 at 8:10 am
Norm Kelly says:
Unless Boards are given permission to purge voter rolls, nothing happens. While it may not change the outcome, it still means elections are not without fraud. People are interested in eliminating fraud in all kinds of other areas, why not voter fraud? What is it about purging voter rolls of dead or moved people that stirs so many lib pols to prevent the action. We all remember the fiasco created in Florida both with chads and purging voter rolls. Demon pols came out of the woodwork to prevent anyone from being purged from the rolls. Demon pols made every sort of claim, including racism, to prevent ANYONE from being removed from voter rolls. Why? What is it about dead people and those who have moved that demon pols love so much, and are willing to break the law to protect? Is it just possible that demon pols KNOW that voter fraud benefits THEM most?
Without permission of the Legislature, can the local Boards do ANYTHING to validate voter rolls?
Without permission of courts that will be dragged into the situation by demon pols, can local Boards do anything to purge voter rolls?
Is it possible that demon pols would allow ANY purging of voter rolls without a court case? And, if demons and libs are willing to make false claims about redrawing districts, such as racism, won't they make the same outrageous and false claims about purging voter rolls?
What's the chances demon pols would call those of us who know voter rolls need to be purged 'deplorable'? We know for a fact they would claim we are racists exercising our white privilege. I guarantee there is no limit to the words that would be used by demons, and their allies in the 'news' media, to describe those of us who know voter rolls are being used for voting fraud and prefer to do something about it.
How do we know demon pols truly are demons and know that voter fraud benefits them? First take a look at the lengths they went to in order to claim voter ID shouldn't happen. Then take a look at the claims made by every demon, including media allies, about redistricting. When demons created 'snake' districts, insuring a majority black district, it wasn't just legal but morally correct. Republicans draw 'snake' districts and the only reason they did it is for segregation and racism. How warped do you have to be in your 'thinking' to come to this conclusion? Very! And I put 'thinking' in quotes on purpose because it rarely describes liberal minds. Just take a look at the Raleigh N&D sometime. Lack of thought process on display. They had the audacity to endorse Hildaliar! If they endorse that witch, they are an ally and nothing more. Not a news source, that's for sure!
Is it possible to describe libs using 1 word as they describe conservative with 1 word? Yes. They can get away with it. I'll probably get edited for doing the same. But, here goes: disgusting. So many words can be used, but this one covers most of it. Liars. Cheats. Law-breakers. Socialists. See, many words, but disgusting probably covers the average lib pol best. At least I haven't used a negative word to describe those who vote for them! They are low-information types, by and large, but that's only truth, not a negative racist demonizing word. Those of us who disagree with the policies put forth by demon pols are called 'deplorable' and 'racist'. We are not allowed to disagree on policy without being demonized. But when we call out a liar for telling lies, we get demonized then also.
October 24, 2016 at 6:02 pm
Johnny Hiott says:
If what is stated in this article is true then how can anyone explain the election of obama ? Not just once but twice ! Do Americans hate their own nation so much as to have elected obama ? Not likely. obama was placed in office by votes from illegals, tens of thousands of fraudulent absentee ballots, rigged voting machines and a totally corrupt congress which refused to even vet obama.