Reverend John Blair reports on his findings of religious groups
Published June 30, 2022
The Rev. John Blair wrote in 1704 his feelings concerning the religious groups in North Carolina,The country may be divided into four sorts of people: First, the Quakers, who are the most powerful enemies to church government, but a people very ignorant of what they profess. The second sort are a great many who have no religion, but would be Quakers, if by that they were not obliged to lead a more moral life than they are will to comply to. A third sort are something like Presbyterians, which sort is upheld by some idle fellows who have left their lawful employment, and preach and baptize through the country, without any manners of orders from any sect or pretended church.. A fourth sort, who are really zealous for the interest of the church, are the fewest in number, but the better sort of people, and would do very much for the settlement of the church government there, if not opposed by these three…