Reuters lied about Trump in NC

Published December 7, 2015

by Jim Tynen, Civitas Review online, December 6, 2015.

I'm a cynical old conservative who's seen a lot, and even I am taken aback when I see the news media lying about something I've seen with my own eyes.

Reuters report is headlined on CBS: "Black Lives Matter protestors cut off Donald Trump in North Carolina."

A single vulgar word is the most accurate response, but in a perhaps vain attempt to uphold some standards, I'll only say: that report can only be a deliberate attempt to mislead Americans.

I was there. I was even much closer to Trump than the official media representatives. The Reuters account is wrong.

At several points, some jerks with signs interrupted Trump by shouting. They were booed by the crowd — but the booing was less angry that what you will hear at most sporting events.

First, it is one more indication that Black Lives Matter is a proto-fascist movement. The street fighters and mobs are merely the first symptom that democracy is under attack. Some people wanted to hear Trump, many, I would guess, out of curiosity. If he was truly a bad man, the Left should want him to open his mouth more often so people could discern the truth about him.

So the demonstrations showed:

  1. Black Lives Matter is inherently anti-democratic. They do not believe that ordinary people can or should make their own judgements.
  2. Trump must be a real threat to them. The protests only underscored Trump's claims. That they cared enough only added to his credibility.

As I wrote on my own blog, it also highlights the incompetence of the Left. The protests only added a bit of drama to the scene that underscored Trump's messages, and fired up the crowd.

The Reuters report said he got annoyed. Frankly, I think he gets annoyed a lot anyway. Most of the time, he just grinned smugly while the protestors were hustled out. Rather than break up his talk, the interludes gave him time to rest. His voice was hoarse, and apparently he is not a person who switches easily to a soft tone.

If his remarks were shorter than usual, it may be that he just wanted to conserve his vocal chords.

Anyway, among other things, Reuters doesn't grasp what it is Trump does. He doesn't have a set talk; he riffs on events, throwing out a lot of his tag lines. There's no structure; there's no timeline. He's, obviously, not your typical pol. He is there to galvanize supporters, not bore them with PowerPoint presentations. He's more like a comedian or musician who comes out, plays some of his big hits, improvises a little, does an encore or two, then get on the bus for the next show.

BTW, Trump called this in advance. He said the media would make a big deal out of the protestors, and that they would mock him no matter what he did: as scary if he threw them out, as weak if he didn't.

In other words, this report is bogus. It's plainly a deliberate attempt to distort the news. I was there, however. I can assure you this report is a fraud.

December 7, 2015 at 9:13 am
William Jones says:

Sure Jim, Sure! Thats your story, please tell it like you want it! Trump is nothing more than a blowhard, egotistical gasbag!

December 8, 2015 at 3:21 pm
William Jones says:

What a response Norm! Yet, in return you demonize Democrats with the name calling.. Hyprocritical much?

December 7, 2015 at 9:50 am
Norm Kelly says:

Typical of the left and their allies in the media.

Demonize Republicans no matter what they say or do. If Trump had the protesters thrown out, he'd be labeled scary or worse. If Trump simply ignored the protesters and didn't have them thrown out, they'd define him as weak or worse.

No matter what a Republican does, the left's media allies will find a way to make it appear negative. Which is why it's not worth reading anything in the Noise & Disturber of Raleigh.

Roy comes out to run for Gov, N&D is beside itself with support. Roy says virtually nothing and the N&D finds reason to support him. Roy basically says that he wants to return the state to the way it was run when demons ruled Raleigh, take us back decades, and the N&D and most media allies claim this is new, innovative, and worthy of support.

Spending money we don't have, converting temporary taxes to permanent taxes, taking a loan from central planners with no plan to payback, actually cutting education spending are all failed policies of the left that Roy wants to take us back to. The left-wing media allies let it slide, but find reasons to demonize Republicans at every turn, and even make up turns to demonize.

Is the left and their media allies predictable? Yes. Will that change their method or mantra? Nope. And their uneducated, afraid of hearing Fox News, Glenn Beck or Rush, supporters simply accept what's reported because they all just know that Republicans hate people.

December 8, 2015 at 3:24 pm
William Jones says:

What a reply Norm! Accuse the democrats of demonizing, yet you launch a tirade demonizing democrats. Thats what is typical! Besides, im sure the only reason Trump didnt have them removed this time since he must have learned his lesson from the last episodes.

December 8, 2015 at 6:25 pm
Mary Markovich says:

William J.

I've been following Trump since he announced his presidential bid. Considering the mess this country is in, we need someone strong. I think maybe they called Winston Churchill an egostical blowhard, but he is the type of person England needed at the time.

Trump is unusual, but we need someone who is not owned by the political hacks. These people who believe in beheading and rape, nationally and globally. Check out how Sweden and other European countries are being destroyed. I do not want my country destroyed, too.