Response to "The Forgotten Middle Class.
Published July 30, 2013
This response was written by Jerry Williamson, after reading Tom Campbell's column, "The Forgotten Middle Class" in the Wilmington Star-News.
First I want to thank you for this article which was published in the Wilmington Star-News. In a word, you nailed it! I have been very concerned about the issue addressed in your column, in particular for my grown children and seven grandchildren who will never know the America I grew up in. To be sure I did not come from a wealthy family, nor am I wealthy today. But I did have opportunities to better myself. Both my parents worked all their lives in a cotton mill in Franklinville. I worked there myself for many years and worked my way up the position of a textile printer, one of the higher paid positions at $1.35 per hour working six days per week and pulling double shifts as the opportunity presented itself in order to make a little extra money. However, because I had joined the Navy after quitting school at the age of 17 I was more fortunate than my parents because when the "G.I. Bill" type benefits were reinstated for the "Vietnam Era" I had the great opportunity to return to school and get an education.
Long story as short as possible, I attended Randolph Community College and earned my GED. I then enrolled in the Business Administration curriculum and went to school during the day, working the second shift from 3:00 to 11:00pm to support my family of a wonderful wife and two boys. Today we celebrate our 52nd anniversary! After graduating with the Associates Degree another opportunity door opened to transfer my credits to Appalachian State University and earn a Bachelor of Technology degree. In 1975 I was hired at the University of North Carolina Campus Police Department and In 1979 was appointed to the position of Director of Public Safety and Police which allowed me to have BENEFITS, which the textile businesses never offered, and retired with thirty years service. 22 years at UNC-G and later ask to take a position with Brunswick Community College to create a campus police department for that institution. During all this time I had transferred my military reserve time and joined the U.S. Coast Guard serving 18 more years and retiring as a Marine Science Technology First Class. In it's way, I think I was fortunate to realize the American Dream.
Now the sad part. I think the present situation was summed up by one of the ladies arrested during the "Moral Monday" protests (or Moron Mondays, according to one Republican Representative) when she expressed her concern that North Carolina is now in a "race to the bottom" due to this legislature. In my opinion, we are truly in trouble. I have changed my registration to Undocumented because the Republican Party, led by todays rabid right wing tea partiers has become nothing more than a cult of the rich and the hell with everyone else. The Democrat Party is in total disarray and I really don't know what they stand for, nor do I believe their leaders do. My children, two boys and a girl are all making it pretty well, but I really grieve for my seven grandchildren because of the mess they are going to have to deal with. Hopefully a real leader will emerge and get us back on the right path. One who will not sell his soul to lobbyists or take orders from the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Fox.
Thank you again for being a spokesman for us common folk.
July 30, 2013 at 3:08 pm
dj anderson says:
"The Democrat Party is in total disarray and I really don't know what they stand for, nor do I believe their leaders do." blog
Who are the leaders?
Where are the "Rev. Barber for Governor" bumper stickers. The first black governor and the first preacher governor and the face of the party right now today, but he is a special interest group champion, not one to win the state, and not one the national democratic party wants on the ticket in 2016.
Rufus Edmisten! Someone cried earlier. Josh Stein, another called out. Secretary of Education June Atkinson impresses me by speaking out, but not as a politician, as does auditor Beth Wood by her competence and integrity. Roy Cooper is making the news about protecting the aged. What happened to former Treasurer Richard Moore? Do you think Erskine Bowles would consider it, just maybe, for the sake of Skipper's memory, and call it revenge? What if Kay Hagan lost her Senate seat in 2014? David Price is too much of a yes man, as deposed Brad Miller was. Who can buck up a fuss without looking ridiculous and make wanting the old look new?
Whomever arises at leader can not simply want to go back to 2009 and the way it was, for the way it was brought down the 140 year "2nd reich," well, I should say reign.