Republicans' big problem with crazy
Published August 18, 2013
by Michael Cohen, The Guardian, August 15, 2013.
The GOP establishment pandered to Tea Party extremism to win the 2010 midterm elections. Now, it's reaping the whirlwind
'Today, the intra-party cleavage is between the Republican establishment and the lunatic fringe.' Photograph: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters
If you're looking for a Republican congressman who truly embodies the ethos of the Tea Party, Maryland Representative Andy Harris is a pretty good pick.
Harris, you see, is no fan of "big government" and he's definitely not a fan of Rinos ("Republicans in name only").
Harris made a national name for himself in 2008, when he successfully launched a primary campaign against insufficiently conservative 18-year congressional veteran Wayne Gilchrest. Although Harris lost in the general election, he was more successful two years later, joining his Tea Party contingent in the House of Representatives.
As a congressman, Harris has had a difficult time finding a single government program or legislative initiative he doesn't hate. He opposed the debt limit deal in the summer of 2011; he was one of the handful of Republicans to vote against the fiscal cliff deal in January 2013; he's against immigration reform, foreign aid, more money for Pell grants, and even the Violence Against Women Act.
And, of course, he hates Obamacare.
This record of conservative allegiance would, you might imagine, inoculate Harris from Tea Party criticism. Yet, earlier this month, in a town hall meeting in his home district, he was assailed by his constituents – for not being strident and uncompromising enough.
"You guys are being nice guys" and "I want to see more defiance!" were just some of the accusations hurled at the congressman in a heated session that included questions about the supposed IRS scandal and the current lodestar of conservative lunacy – Benghazi.
Harris is not alone.
Blake Farenthold, another Tea Party Republican from Texas, who voted against the fiscal cliff deal as well, and told constituents "there are several [cabinet] departments we could completely get rid of", was assailed by "birthers" for the GOP's failure to impeach President Obama. (His defense was not that impeachment would be insane, but that it would be infeasible.) Tea Partiers in North Carolina pummeled Congressman Robert Pittenger for refusing to support defunding Obamacare even thought he has supported a number of bills repealing Obamacare.
Indeed, across the nation, Republican senators and congressmen are finding themselves under withering assault from Tea Party critics.
After three and a half years of legislative hostage-taking and policy nihilism and unceasing, uncompromising obstructionism of President Obama's agenda, the message from the Tea Party is a simple one: we want more crazy.
So what's going on here? Quite simply, Republicans are being destroyed by the rightwing monster they created.
Although, once upon a time, the divide in the GOP was between moderates and conservatives; today, the intra-party cleavage is between the Republican establishment and the lunatic fringe. And the fringe is not so fringe-y.
For years, the GOP establishment mined this wellspring of racial and economic anxiety. They railed against gay marriage and abortion; attacked big government and out-of-control federal spending and demonized welfare and social programs.
But once in office, Republicans had a funny way of never really carrying through with their tough rhetoric. Rather than do away with social security or Medicare – they strengthened it and expanded it. Rather than slash government spending or the size of the federal bureaucracy – they increased it. The more visceral imperative for Republican officeholders was to provide tax breaks for their wealthy supporters, weaken regulation (be it financial, environmental or workplace) and, above all, hold on to their political power. Going after sacred cows like social insurance programs or popular spending programs, or working to enact abortion restrictions, were political nonstarters (or were quickly shelved once they became political liabilities).
Then, in 2009, things began to take a turn. With the election of Barack Obama, Republicans found themselves with a new political adversary uniquely capable of upsetting the far right – and the GOP made sure this was exactly what happened. Playing on fears of social change, racial anxiety and expanding big government, Republican leaders inveighed against the evils of Obamacare and the president's alleged profligate spending.
They pulled out every stop to thwart Obama's legislative agenda, and even went far down the political rabbit hole as they flirted with "birtherism", charges of socialism, and allegations that the president was a secret Muslim. In the process, they both enraged and energized the party's most radical followers.
The result was a short-term political victory (control of the House of Representatives, won in the 2010 midterms) – but an increasingly long-term political headache, like the one playing out in GOP town hall meetings across America right now. The establishment players in Congress found themselves with a host of new Tea Partier colleagues little interested in following the usual GOP script of compromise in the name of political necessity. They were willing to undermine the full faith and credit of the US government in order to force draconian spending cuts upon the White House. They've continued their assault on Obamacare, voting to repeal it 40 times, and now, one of the group's biggest bomb-throwers, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, is talking about shutting down the government in order to defund it. They've allowed sequestration – and its devastating affect on communities across the country – to continue. And they have resisted any and all effort to moderate the party's image, dragging the Republican establishment under the bus with them.
On immigration reform, the Tea Party contingent has made clear that the Senate immigration bill is dead-in-the-water – thus, gravely undermining national GOP efforts to improve the party's image among Hispanic voters. On abortion rights, state legislatures filled with ultra-conservatives continue to pass legislation restricting access to reproductive health services and, in the process, further devastated the party's already poor relationship with women voters. In the struggle between those who want to moderate the party (albeit only slightly) and those who want to ride the train straight to crazy-ville, the latter are winning.
Finally, they've turned their guns on their own leaders and, in the process, driven the party more and more toward their uncompromising positions.
With deadlines coming soon on a possible government shutdown and an extension of the debt limit, Republican leaders like Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell who is facing a Tea Party primary challenge are under growing pressure to not get off the politically suicidal path on which they find themselves – but instead to stay the course.
The result of all this is more dysfunction, more budgetary shutdowns and more political black eyes for a Republican party unable to reason with its most ideologically fervent followers. None of this should really be unexpected. If you're going to tell radical conservatives that Obamacare is the worst thing to ever happen to America, is it really a surprise that those same extremists are not going to meekly nod when you tell them that it's now a fact of life? If you're going to tell voters that government debt is destroying the country, is it really a surprise when those voters demand that every step must be taken to reduce it?
Any hope that the defeat of Mitt Romney in November 2012 would begin to drain the GOP's fever swamp has gone by the wayside – and Republicans have no one to blame but themselves. In nurturing and radicalizing its extremist fringe – in pursuit of short-term gain – the Republican establishment created a political Frankenstein. Increasingly, however, it looks as though the monster's first victim is going to be them.
August 18, 2013 at 8:41 am
Richard Bunce says:
Yes, those Founding Fathers writing about limited government and setting up a governing system of limited government powers were fring-y radicals too...
August 19, 2013 at 12:39 am
Norm Kelly says:
First off, the defeat of Mitt Romney proved one thing. Wishy-washy Republicans pitted against a real Democrat doesn't win elections. When Republicans can't get energized about their candidate, they stay home. Why would I vote for a Democrat wannabe, when a real Democrat can be in office? So we don't vote. Democrats, on the other hand, have shown through history that they'd rather vote for a terrible Democrat, the worst Democrat candidate in the world, than to allow a Republican to win the office.
Second, Obamacare actually is one of the worst things to happen in America. It's not just the radical right-wing of the Republican party that "thinks" so. It's thinking people who know it is. Please tell me somewhere in the world that socialized medicine has been tried and is better than what we had before Obamacare. Tell me where in the world socialized medicine has reduced the cost of services or coverage. The IRS has even stated recently that they don't want to be forced to live under Obamacare. Congressional staffers have been exempted from Obamacare. So, even the "experts" are telling us that Obamacare is going to suck. Plus, Obamacare isn't going to help reduce the national debt. Obamacare is going to cause the national debt to skyrocket faster than it has since Obama took office. (i mean, since obama took office and got the deficit spending of bush under control!) Obamacare is currently the law of the land, but it's not yet implemented so it's not too late to stop it. Heck, even Obama is letting us know that it's doomed to failure. Every week, it seems, some new group is getting an exemption from participating. Major supporters of Obama and Obamacare have already gotten exemptions. Obama violated his own law when he permitted corporations to avoid Obamacare mandate for the first year. If Obamacare is such darn good law, and it's going to be so good for us, then why all the exemptions? Why the delay for a year (in violation of the law!)?
Third, government debt is destroying the country. This is not an opinion of the fringe right. It is a fact. Unless Washington gets spending under control, the weight of the debt IS GOING to crush us. Even Democrat Erskine Bowles is making very public statements about this fact. Or do you consider Erskine a right-wing lunatic? Because debt is crushing the country, it is only right that Tea Partiers put continued pressure on elected officials to properly do their job.
You imply that when Democrats stand in opposition to a Republican president, they are doing their duty and standing by their party & their constituents. But when Republicans stand on their principals, stand with their constituents, they are simply trying to thwart Obama's agenda. Perhaps there's good reason to oppose Obama's agenda, and it has nothing to do with race or racism. The mid-west pipeline is a good example. Obama is not impressed with the number of people that "might" be put to work if the pipeline were approved. But instead, Obama wants to have the government spend "stimulus" money (again!) on infrastructure projects. How backward is this!?! This type of stupidity MUST be opposed and rejected. Private businesses employing people, spending money in local communities, with no taxpayer dollars involved - the pipeline. The alternative is Washington sucking even more money out of the economy, hiring construction workers to build roads & bridges, adding virtually nothing to the economy. Why is government spending better than private spending? Only to a liberal would it be so. Conservatives KNOW that private spending trumps government spending EVERY time.
Too many other ridiculous points for me to go on about. The blogger is obviously a radical, extreme left, big government, expanding government, shrinking private sector, type. Someone who is convinced that Washington is the answer to every question, instead of an impediment to getting a solution to the question.