Republicans and the media
Published September 5, 2013
NC by Tom Campbell, Executive producer and moderator of NC SPIN, September 5, 2013.
The mainstream media, in North Carolina and some national outlets, is taking North Carolina’s Republican leadership to task, blaming them for everything from returning us to the days of slavery, ruining our schools, politicizing our government, endangering our environment, uncaring for the poor and sick and most everything else including the heartbreak of psoriasis. The question is whether these claims are the whining of a liberal media, as Republicans contend, or justified responses to their actions. If you answered “yes” to both these questions you are right.
Gone are the days when journalists reported only the “who, what, when, where, why and how” of a story, with opinions confined to the editorial page. All of us have biases and it is impossible for them not to influence everything we do. But despite their protests to the contrary most media reporters have a liberal perspective they learned in journalism school from predominantly liberal professors. They got jobs in newsrooms managed by people themselves trained by these schools and quickly learned to deliver stories acceptable to these managers.
We’ve not kept a tally but it is a pretty sure bet there have been more negative than positive media reports about recent events in North Carolina. Let’s also admit the media wasn’t nearly so critical in reporting the negative when Democrats were running things, but the record will show some political talk shows (like NC SPIN), columnists and reporters did speak to Democratic excesses, shenanigans and bad governance. Republicans, however, are justified in saying there is a liberal media bias.
That said, it is the job of the media to report and comment on events of the day. Polls clearly show most people are not happy. To be sure some of that unhappiness results from negative news stories but much of it can be credited to both the pace and the scope of changes made. There is a normal resistance to change but the rapid and overwhelming changes Republicans made are affecting most every aspect of our life.
The past eight months have been analogous to a group of people, starved for a long time, suddenly turned loose on a scrumptious smorgasbord. Republicans had been on a 100-year fast of being out of control and this year appeared to binge in their newfound power.
It is hard to imagine Republicans won’t remain in control of state government for at least the next few years, so no matter how broken they think our state to be, a little discipline, prioritization and slower pace would have been more acceptable than a total about face. Any ship’s captain will tell you the best way to turn a vessel around is to do so a few degrees at a time. Because they made so many changes so quickly Republicans brought much of this criticism on themselves.
Our state does not benefit from a media or political party in defiant opposition to every act, but neither does it progress from unrestrained exhibitions of power. It is time both the media and the politicians responsibly work for our state’s welfare instead of their own agendas. The boxing match we are currently witnessing is unproductive and unhelpful to a state that needs help at most every turn.
Isn’t it possible to have a “both and” instead of an “either or” approach?
September 5, 2013 at 12:07 pm
dj anderson says:
NO. Not in a 'straight ticket' us against them state where party identification means more than self-identification. There's too many people who shape themselves to everything about their party. They like the tension of the divide, like the argument, like fingerpointing, name calling and ridicule. Those opposing forces make for the SPIN. This year, above all years, politics are entertainment. I feel the bug myself.
September 10, 2013 at 11:06 am
Maury Moffitt says:
God Bless you all.
September 11, 2013 at 6:57 pm
dj anderson says:
Maury expressed himself well. I very clearly understood his anger, felt the tension behind his words, and sensed how personalized he has become with President Obama, taking criticisms of the president personally. Obama can handle it better than Maury, I think.
The hatred Maury sees in Republicans I can also hear for Republicans in Maury's words, to the point of being extreme, which concerned me as I read. I'm more used to the use of ridicule and satire in comments, usually short one liners. If thinking for the sake of Maury, I can't recommend Maury watching NCSpin for the reason of the effect it has on him. Seems it must be a bit emotionally masochistic, if not physically unhealthy. I don't watch TV news, especially political shows, for the reason it is not good for my spirit or health. I find reading the written word both more informative and less emotional. NCSpin is tame compared to the Sunday morning talking head shows. If Maury reads my words, please consider them. If I were a panelist, I'd be having second thoughts & concerns about how my words were affecting individuals in the public.
Let me talk about the show. To offer perspective, I consider NCSpin to be left leaning in both panelists and overall effect of views given, and see that slant in all shows.
Let me defend the panelists accused: Tom is not a Republican, but from my armchair a "centrist" in NC viewpoints. Tom was surely a Democrat at one time, back when the Democratic primary was but moved toward center, probably as reaction to entrenched Democratic stubbornness. As for his cutting off Chris, and Chris has to be cut off for his talking points come like a chain saw, the show is Tom's and Chris respects Tom and rarely seems bothered. Tom keeps Chris to his right hand for a reason -- a right hand man. I see no better moderator than Tom Campbell. The show's panelists are in control of themselves and the show isn't about emotional outbursts and tempers flaring. That's why I can watch it, along with "Legislative Review" on UNC PBS.
John Hood, a Libertarian, is ice cold logic in his manner and sits farthest from Tom on screen right to balance the left right seesaw of positions. I'm can't imagine the show finding a Republican who could be as consistently emotionally controlled, yet informed and informative. John even offers disclaimers in front of many positions. I can't help but like the guy, and appreciate his demeanor, which makes me listen to his perspective, which is business friendly, but logical.
Becki Gray is, again, a soft representative for the right. Contrast Becki to an Ann Coulter type! There's perspective! Who am I leaving out that was pointed out? Well, mostly Maury fine expression was about Maury reaction to Spin. Let me end with him, then.
Maury & I are the same on Sunday. I need all the grace, mercy and forgiveness I can get. I love Jesus, but how He can love me, I don't know, yet He asks me to love my enemies, for anyone can love those who loves you. We all have the right to be wrong, and we all prove it everyday. Maury & I would agree that there is a throne above man's, where sits our true Lord and Master, not government. Government is of men and so is doomed to reflect our pride and prejudices. So, like Maury, and unlike any other comments, I, too, will end with a God bless you all!