Recurring theme in state capital
Published May 24, 2014
Editorial by Jacksonville Daily News, May 23, 2014.
Rushing to judgment, once just a lamentable hobby, has evolved with modern American culture into social media bloodsport. It’s what people do these days. They hear, they see and they react.
Often they’re right, sometimes not. Usually that part is sorted out later — well after hard-and-fast opinions have been formed.
With that in mind, we usually try to take the measure of a situation, listen to multiple sides or witnesses, then offer to all involved something few seem willing to do anymore: The benefit of the doubt before reaching a conclusion.
Which brings us to the flap arising this week in the N.C. General Assembly and caused, ostensibly, by Ssate Sen. Rick Gunn, R-Alamance. During his oversight of a Senate Commerce Committee meeting in Raleigh on Tuesday in which the most controversial environmental issue in the state — subterranean drilling for gas, or fracking — was being discussed, Gunn made an unusual request of those present. According to media accounts he said, “One other housekeeping (item), if I may. As a courtesy, all individuals with recording devices, whether audio or video, are required to be approved by the sergeant-at-arms.”
Trouble is, there is no such requirement to register recording devices in the General Assembly or its building. Gunn just made it up without consulting the rules. As a result, a reporter’s recording device was seized by the Senate’s Sergeant-at-Arms Office, which was a violation of the state’s Open Meetings Law. Reporters, and just plain everyday folks for that matter, are allowed to have recording devices in public meetings.
For his part, Gunn called the flap a misunderstanding and said it was never his intent to have the sergeant-at-arms confiscate a reporter’s equipment.
Then Gunn stumbled over questions posed by reporters on the scene — referring queries to the Sergeant-at Arms Office. But upon further review it appears committee chairs are the ones accountable. The sergeant-at-arms merely acts upon requests.
Gunn later clarified his position, “If I’m in charge of a meeting, it will be open and recordable and transparent, which is how it should be. We have always run, and will continue to run, open and transparent meetings.”
Plausible, but it didn’t happen that way and ultimately Gunn is the one responsible. Frankly, we expect elected leaders to know and follow the rules — especially when it comes to open government.
This story provides another window into what seems to be a troubling mindset among political leaders in North Carolina these days. Evidence continues to grow that there is an air of not only smug superiority by politicians over the rights of the public to have access to how decisions are made, but derision toward those who question such decisions.
And we can’t help but wonder about the irony of this situation. A political body’s first inclination is to take away a reporting device intended to help ensure accuracy.
May 24, 2014 at 10:26 am
Norm Kellly says:
Time to play devil's advocate.
So, Gunn was wrong. Before relinquishing my recording device to ANYONE, I would have asked for Gunn to produce the document that said recording open meetings was not allowed. Force the perpetrator of the misdeed to prove their request. Civil disobedience is sometimes the right thing to do.
When the libs controlled Raleigh, were there ever back room deals where media wasn't even allowed, yet cost the taxpayers or some business? How did the media react? When Gov Mike stole sales tax money from counties, did the media roast him? When Gov Mike stole money from the E911 fund, did the media roast him? When the libs forced a useless lottery upon us, did the media point out their misdeeds? Or do we have selective outrage?
Speaking of civil disobedience being the right thing to do, when the current occupier has requested media presence on conference calls but only if they were guaranteed to be off the record, has the media participated? Yes. Is this because the media wants to be on the inside, without reporting to the people they are charged with informing? Or is it a desire for media types to be on the inside with their allies?
Open government should be open government ALWAYS. Not in selective cases. When Heir Reid says something stupid, which is quite normal, about blacks, comments about how the occupier doesn't have the typical black speech pattern/style, it's time the media treats him the same way they treat the basketball owner. The biggest difference between the basketball guy and the socialist leader of the Senate? Heir Reid is an elected official who makes the comments knowing its an open mic. The basketball guy was apparently recorded without his knowledge during a private conversation. What he says in private is cause for him to be forced to sell his business. What Harry knowingly says in public is to be forgive or ignored? Why? Is Comrade Harry dismissed because so many in the country including media types know that he is mentally unstable? Or is Harry dismissed because he's a socialist? Only the media types can answer this. They won't. But they could if they had a moment of honesty creep into their creepy hearts. I won't hold my breath.
May 24, 2014 at 11:30 am
Richard Bunce says:
Some of the derision of those who ask the question is because of how few questions they asked when their fellow travelers on the political left were in charge. The vast majority of the press had no problem with a Democratic Party majority in the NC legislature for over a century and their smug, sanctimonious, and secretive ways...