Reasons to oppose gay marriage in principle

Published October 14, 2014

by Dr. Sanford Kessler, professor NC State University, published in News and Observer, October 13, 2014.

On the night of Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, Rabbi Daniel Greyber of Beth El Synagogue in Durham gave an eloquent, thoughtful and courageous sermon arguing in favor of gay marriage within the Jewish tradition. He also announced that after many years of thinking about this issue, he would marry Jewish gay and lesbian members of our congregation.

Rabbi Greyber’s talk was a milestone in the history of our congregation, and one of a series of recent events that suggest that the religious and secular advocates for gay marriage have won the long-standing and often rancorous debate. The most important of these events, of course, was the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to reject appeals from several lower federal court decisions that upheld gay marriage.

This decision led to the legalization of gay marriage in North Carolina and will, in all likelihood, soon lead to the same result in the states that currently forbid it.

I have long wrestled with the best arguments for and against gay marriage as a scholar, as a concerned citizen and as a person with gay friends. Yet despite my strong emotional desire to support gay marriage, I find myself opposed to it in principle. I strongly believe that committed gay couples deserve the psychological, material and social benefits that straight married couples enjoy. I therefore opposed Amendment One in North Carolina because it denied gay couples all of these benefits. But I wish that we could have found a way to achieve justice for these couples – perhaps through a means like civil union – without overturning the traditional definition of marriage.

The strongest argument for maintaining the traditional definition of marriage is that it strengthens the view that, all things being equal, children flourish best when raised by a mother and a father and, better yet, by their biological parents. Of course, all things are rarely equal. Many heterosexual parents fail at child rearing while many same-sex parents succeed. Single parents are often wonderful parents. And, finally, people marry for many important reasons other than their desire to have children, whom some couples can’t have and others don’t want.

Yet there is much to be said for the view that American society should publicly endorse the idea that every child deserves a mother and a father. Strengthening this principle enhances current efforts to promote responsible fatherhood at a time when fatherless households in America are becoming less the exception than the rule.

It also supports the view, which I hold, that men and women naturally bring different, complementary and desirable character traits to parenthood. Once gay marriage is firmly entrenched in American law, public institutions, including our schools, will no longer be able to affirm such views.

We now face another, greater danger as the public debate regarding the merits of gay marriage seems to be winding down. Many years ago, Alexis de Tocqueville warned in his classic work, “Democracy in America,” that the United States is prone to an evil that he called the “tyranny of the majority over thought.” He believed that once the majority has reached a consensus on significant moral or political issues, it will stigmatize and ostracize all dissenters, making it difficult if not impossible for their views to be heard. In some cases, people will no longer even know that an alternative point of view exists.

Tocqueville feared that this form of majority tyranny undermines the process of critical thinking that every free society needs to flourish and ill-serves the cause of truth. John Stuart Mill, of course, made similar arguments in “On Liberty,” another classic of liberal thought.

I believe that Tocqueville’s warnings are prescient with respect to the subject of gay marriage today. Our courts, our popular culture and our most powerful opinion-makers now tend to dismiss arguments for traditional marriage out of hand no matter how venerable or how well-reasoned they are. They also tend to view proponents of these arguments as ignorant, bigoted and beneath contempt. To my knowledge, this is not generally the case.

I am happy that Beth El Synagogue, my religious community, has become more inclusive and will celebrate with my gay friends who choose to marry. Yet I fear that the long-term losses to American society of legalizing gay marriage will outweigh the long-term gains. I hope that my fear is unfounded. But I also believe that the debate on the merits of gay marriage must continue in a thoughtful, civil manner. Otherwise, the market place of ideas we all should cherish will be a little less free.

Dr. Sanford Kessler teaches political science at N.C. State University. 

October 14, 2014 at 8:08 am
Larry allan says:

Dr. Kessler,

With great respect, please show me the evidence of your ruminations. I no longer am interested in people making these observations and prognostications unless it is backed up by hard science. If you have read any of the accepted scientific papers, all agree that same sex parenting is, at least equal, to heterosexual parents. I am a grandfather, married 45 years to the same women and I cannot abide people who deny anyone the right to the same happiness as I have had. You see Dr. Kessler, it is an easy and slippery slope, when you prevent people from enjoying the same equality and freedoms that you possess and sadly it often ends in krystalnacht. You, as a fellow Jew, should remember the sounds of breaking glass.

October 14, 2014 at 11:25 am
Richard Bunce says:

Just get the government out of the relationship approval/extra benefit business and this all goes away. IF the government is going to be in the relationship approval business then it must do so without prejudice. Next up polygamy... same rationale as same sex marriage rationale applies. The limit to two is just as unjustified as the limit to opposite sex was.

October 15, 2014 at 10:11 am
Grant Linderman says:


It has been widely accepted for centuries that children raised by their biological parents are, on average, better prepared for adulthood than children raised in any other circumstance. This is not in any way the same as stating that single parents, co-habitating parents, adoptive parents, or homosexual adoptive parents cannot be as effective at child-rearing than a child's biological parents. The notion that parenting has changed to show the opposite at precisely the time homosexual "marriage" is being debated in the public sphere in the western world is mildly ridiculous on its face.

Here is a peer-reviewed journal. No "hard science" is available as humans cannot be observed and experimented-on in controlled environments. But there has been a great deal of sociological study on the issue.

You'd do well to carefully consider your feelings on the issue and try to separate your emotions from the facts as Dr. Kessler seems to have done quite admirably. And as an aside, I do disagree with several of Dr. Kessler's points. I'm posting solely because your comment reeks of emotion-based shaming, while the author of the article appears to be doing his best to distance his emotions from his viewpoint on such important public policy. And I applaud that.

October 16, 2014 at 11:49 am
Larry allan says:


Thank you for your response but an ad hominem attack on my emotionalism and shaming does not make your point of view any more valid.

I will attempt to deconstruct your argument. " it is widely accepted that for centuries..." Something that has been widely accepted for centuries does not make it valid or right. Slavery, interracial marriage, the mistreatment of Jews for centuries was widely accepted and eventuall all were trashed into the dustbin of history. Flat earth, the sun revolving around the earth, seizures were demon caused....all widely accepted but with our advancement of knowledge , the scientific method, peer reviewed experimental research all those widely held beliefs are now considered historical footnotes.

This leads me into the mark regenerus study which you quote which has been so thoroughly debunked that even the courts hold the study as ridiculous science.

The university of Texas, department of Sociology, rebuked Regenerus for promoting fundamentally flawed conclusions based on his research and then disavowed him.

The American Psychological Association states ".. His study of gay parenting is fundamentally flawed on conceptual and methodological grounds..

John Hopkins university , Andrew Chopin ...overwhelming evidence ...not much difference between children raised by homosexual or heterosexual parents.

University of Melbourne... Crouch et al ....children of same sex parents scored 6 per cent higher on general health and family cohesion...

There are countless other studies which prove the point that the only study opponents produce is the deeply flawed study of Mark Regenerus, which to point out was paid for by a deeply conservative religious think tank.

The courts themselves refuse to listen to this study.

In conclusion, I have no compunction about using emotion or shaming. Jewish people should know better to get their facts right, before they make broad generalizations about another group. As a man who has grandchildren, if one of them were to tell me they were gay, I would want them to know and feel the joy of being married to someone they love, with children to raise and love, in a society that accepts them as equal. So if you feel I'm emotional, that's too darn bad.

One further point, from all the reading I have done, from all the YouTube, I have listened to. It is apparent to me that the one and only one REAL objection is religious based. It's never brought up in court because religious based arguments should not trump civil rights. Hence we are left with ridiculous anti same sex marriage arguments such as made by the Texas attorney General; Who stated in one sentence that same sex marriage leads to an increase in out of wedlock child birth and in the same sentence says it will lead to a decrease in the human race. ...two contradictory points in one sentence. It's mind boggling.

Larry Allan