Raise the minimum wage or abolish it?

Published October 11, 2014

By Chris Fitzsimon

by Chris Fitzsimon, NC Policy Watch and NC SPIN panelist, October 10, 2014.

You don’t have to look very hard these days to see how far to the right North Carolina’s political debate has moved and in many cases how far out of mainstream some state leaders have become.

House Speaker Thom Tillis seemed to suggest in Thursday’s debate that he agrees with Libertarian Senate candidate Sean Haugh that the government should not set a minimum wage. In other words, there should not be a minimum wage at all.

Polls show a majority of Americans and North Carolinians support a proposal now before Congress to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour from the current $7.25.

Most Democratic lawmakers at the state and national level support increasing the wage too, as do prominent Republicans like Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. President George W. Bush supported the last increase in the minimum wage in 2007.

Tillis meanwhile, seems to believe not only that we shouldn’t raise the wage, but that we shouldn’t have one, a position that not long ago was only espoused in North Carolina by the fringe groups on the Right.

Hidden loaded guns on the midway

Then there is the issue of allowing people to carry loaded hidden handguns at the N.C. State Fair that begins in less than a week.

The far-right group Grassroots North Carolina filed a lawsuit this week after State Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler wisely announced that he would continue the practice of banning the guns from the fair.

Rep. George Cleveland believes that a bill passed last session allows loaded hidden handguns at the fair and told the News & Observer, “We’ve said that wherever crowds gathered, concealed carry was allowed.”

Wherever crowds gathered? Footballs stadiums, kid’s soccer games, rock concerts? It’s all too much even for one of the conservatives favorite law enforcement officials, Wake County Sherriff Donnie Harrison who said at a candidate forum this week. “We don’t need guns at the state fair.”

Let’s hope that obvious and common sense view prevails so people making their way through the crowded midway next weekend don’t bump into someone’s loaded hidden handgun.

McCrory less popular than Obama in another Republican legislative district

Another week, another dose of bad news for Governor McCrory in a “flash poll” from the right-wing Civitas Institute. This one, in the state House District 115 race, finds that incumbent Republican Rep. Nathan Ramsey trails his Democratic challenger John Ager by 13 points.

Civitas rates the district as leaning Republican. It also finds that 58 percent of the people in the district disapprove of the job Gov. McCrory is doing while 33 percent approve of his performance. President Obama has a higher approval rate than McCrory with 43 percent approving of his performance and 49 percent disapproving.

The latest survey comes on the heels of flash poll from the group last week showing similar results in House District 118, with Republican incumbent Michele Presnell trailing Democratic challenger Dean Hicks by double digits in what Civitas rates as a strong Republican district.

Gov. McCrory’s approval rating also trailed President Obama’s in that survey.

Either McCrory and some legislative Republicans are in serious trouble or there are some serious issues with the Civitas polling. It may be a combination of both.

Revisiting a promise on unemployment 

A few national pundits and bloggers were also mentioning Mitt Romney recently, pointing out that one of his notable promises during the 2012 campaign was that his economic agenda, sharply different from President Obama’s, would lower the national unemployment rate to six percent by 2016, the end of Romney’s first term.

The national unemployment rate is currently 5.9 percent and it is still 2014.


October 12, 2014 at 11:54 am
Norm Kelly says:

'Polls show a majority of Americans and North Carolinians support'. How many of those polled are demon voters? Put another way, how many of those polled are low-information types? A majority of NC voters decided that gay marriage should be banned. In order to avoid outrageous court cases where some judge decides that the majority of voters don't count and that the opinion of a single judge is more meaningful, our legislators decided a Constitutional amendment would be more powerful. Except some judge decided that the majority of voters were wrong. Again.

In this case, for some unknown reason, the libs choose to promote the majority opinion. Except it's not for any unknown reason. The reason that libs choose to tout the majority opinion is because it supports their feelings THIS TIME.

How many of those polled, and touted by libs, have all the information necessary to actually make a decision? How many of those polled would be positively affected by a minimum wage increase? This would be those who are currently working in a minimum wage job who have no hope of getting a raise without central planner involvement. First, low-information voters do NOT know that only a minority of people in this state and the country actually earn the minimum wage. Most of the minimum wage earners are teenagers, working their first job. Forcing business to pay unskilled, first timers to get a pay raise they have not earned nor qualify for would mean that fewer of them would be employed. (also, how many of those polled indicated that they were doing OK, but they were worried about their neighbors? it's typical if this question is asked for a majority to say they are good, but they are concerned about neighbors. but when a majority are saying this, it means that your neighbor is doing just fine, but has been convinced by things like misleading N&D editorials to believe that someone else that you don't know is suffering. and typically these misleading stories try to tell us that it's our fault that our neighbors are suffering.)

Then there's the negative impact on the economy when the minimum wage is increased. How many of those polled, and touted by libs, have been informed about these negative impacts? When the central planners artificially increase the cost of doing business TO ANY BUSINESS, those businesses are forced to pass that cost onto customers of that business. When minimum wage workers do business at some other business that has been forced to artificially increase costs, those same workers are not able to buy as much at said business. So how does this HELP the minimum wage workers? And if a minimum of employees are earning the minimum wage, and they get a pay raise forcing businesses to raise their prices, how does this negatively affect those of us who DIDN'T get a central planner-mandated pay raise?

Chris and most libs MAY believe they have powerful arguments for raising the minimum wage. The arguments for NOT raising it are even more powerful, but rarely talked about. In addition, socialism hasn't worked anywhere else in the economy that it's been tried, why would it work here?

What's the difference between Romney's promise to lower the unemployment rate and the occupiers results? It's POSSIBLE, though we can never know, that conservative policies would have ACTUALLY reduced unemployment by INCREASING employment. We KNOW FOR SURE that the occupiers policies have produced a low unemployment number, if it's to be believed, by creating a historical level of unemployment. We have FEWER people participating in the employment sector than in over 50 years. This is a historical record. Which can be placed squarely at the feet of the occupier, and the do-nothing Senate run by senile Harry and supported by socialist K. The numbers coming from Washington to reflect a low unemployment number are provably fake. To all you libs, this means the numbers are being massaged to produce a LIE! More people than ever are dropping out of the workforce. More people than ever are on government subsistence programs. None of the current situation is sustainable. Add to this that the cost of everything is going up because of the policies of the socialists in Washington, including senile Harry and our own K. Coal-fired power plants are being forced to close because of lib policies. Since about 40% of the electricity in our once-great country is produced by coal-fired power plants, how do these socialists plan to continue to provide electricity? They HAVE NO PLAN! Yet for some reason, libs like the N&D editorial board and Chris continue to support and promote socialist plans, like those put forth by the occupier, supported by the senile Harry, and encourage by our own K. At the same time that socialists want to close coal-fired power plants, they are also standing in the way of the XL pipeline, with no valid reason presented.

So, Chris, instead of just promoting socialist plans, how about you document for us why & how these plans will BENEFIT the majority in the country, how these plans have succeeded around the world, and how even more central planner involvement in our daily lives is GOOD for us. Stop trying to sway already agreeable low-information, demon voters, and start presenting facts. Kinda like John Hood usually does. Feelings get everyone into trouble. Especially when your feeling tramples MY RIGHTS! Please feel free to 'feel' your way through life, but please stop trampling on my RIGHT to THINK my way through life, using logic and MY OWN EXPERIENCE. Please stop promoting more socialism in our country when it's possible for the rest of us to research your feelings and find that they are 180 degrees opposite of what has proven to be true across the globe. Your feelings lead to oppression of the masses by elitists, while the RIGHT, conservative plans prove that success is possible for anyone and everyone, provided government does not create barriers to individual freedom. The US CONSTITUTION was drafted to purposely restrict the powers of the central planners. What has changed over the past 200+ years when it concerns socialism & central planner control? Nothing! If anything, the idea of central planning has gotten worse, provably more destructive. Economic freedom leads to individual freedom for EVERYONE. Socialism leads to oppression, stagnation of economy, individuals locked into the environment they were born into, with little to no chance to change their individual future. Socialism creates equality for the masses. Problem is that equality is a depressing low-level equality. But those who promoted the idea of socialism, those who claim to be elitists, kinda like the occupier, senile Harry, and our own K, are the ones who build the socialist system to benefit THEMSELVES. And those who go along with socialism, promote socialism, kinda like the N&D editorial board & Chris, hope that the elites will ALLOW them to also take advantage of the system and ALLOW them to be more equal than the masses, along the lines of the equality enjoyed by the elites.

This time around, the headline didn't give away the author. Same drivel inside, but interesting headline. Talk about preaching to the choir though!