Pure Baloney
Published February 13, 2015
by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, February 12, 2015.
February 13, 2015 at 10:22 am
Norm Kelly says:
If only we could get left wing rags, demon allies to also see the truth.
I guess when you are as far left as N&D editorial staff appears to be, someone like Barber truly does appear to be middle of the road. Then again, when someone like Ned doesn't question Barber's statement about not being left or right, it indicates quite strongly that Ned is also an ally of the demons. Perhaps Ned is even as far left as the rest of the N&D editorial staff.
Just another fluff piece to push the liberal demon agenda. An attempt to convince even more people that extremists like Mr. Buffet Slayer isn't really that extreme. Continuing the lib/demon/socialist theme that if the same lie is repeated often enough, in enough places, to enough people, the lie starts to be believed. Except it appears the N&D, Ned, the editorial staff, The Rev Buffet are all preaching to the choir. Trying to stir the base for the next election cycle? Perhaps it's too early in the cycle to start stirring. By the time the next election/campaign cycle comes around, even the base will be tired of hearing the same old, tired, worn out lies from party leaders and allies. Perhaps by the next cycle Republicans will have been able to prove that lower taxes, a friendlier business environment, and encouraging employment instead of unemployment payments, really does improve things for everyone. You know, the theory espoused by President Reagan, where a rising tide raises all boats. Instead of a rising welfare states improves no ones life!
Next time the N&D prints anything from Mr. Buffet, it sure would be nice if they pointed out how extreme his schemes are, how partisan he is, and that he's always supporting demon schemes and always opposed to any plan that comes from Republicans, simply because the plans come from Republicans. I can hope! Odds are better that I'll win the lottery that I don't play than that the N&D will be honest or question ANY fellow demon ally!