Policy Watch reporter banned from McCrory press event
Published June 26, 2015
by Ricky Leung, NC Policy Watch, June 25, 2015.
Education reporter Lindsay Wagner was kicked out of a North Carolina Business Committee for Education (NCBCE) annual meeting today, a press event listed on McCrory’s public schedule that was sent out to media outlets, including N.C. Policy Watch.
When pressed for an explanation, a representative who appears to be from NCBCE — which operates under the Office of the Governor — explicitly said that no one from N.C. Policy Watch was “invited” to this press event.
Wagner was at the PNC Arena to cover the governor’s comments to NCBCE during this event.
Wagner had already sat down when a representative approached her with questions about her “credentials.” After hushed discussions among NCBCE representatives, Wagner was escorted out by PNC security with no clarification on the credential issue and was denied a request to speak with someone from the governor’s office.
- See more at: http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/2015/06/25/n-c-policy-watch-reporters-blocked-from-mccrory-press-events/#sthash.esyNUji5.dpuf