Phil Berger and the professors
Published September 30, 2016
by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, September 28, 2016.
It’s hard to find a more bull-headed fellow walking the earth than a UNC professor dead-set on upholding the virtues of political correctness: He’s 100% for diversity and 100% against discrimination right up to the moment someone disagrees with him.
The other day the UNC Faculty Council gave the legislature and Senator Phil Berger down the road for interfering with academic freedom. Now politicians are capable of almost anything but for once they’re innocent. The way the Faculty Council views it the legislature’s job is to give the University money and what the politicians ought not to do, ever, is tell the professors what to spend the money on. That interferes with their academic freedom.
Senate Leader Phil Berger also enraged the professors by saying there was “philosophical and partisan homogeneity at UNC,” which was about as polite a way Berger could have found to say that professors are often as receptive to other people’s ideas as a rock.
Meantime, at the same time the Faculty Council was taking Senator Berger to the woodshed, the News & Observer was reporting how UNC professors taught bogus classes for athletes for twenty years.
Chapel Hill’s not as small as Mayberry but how likely is it one group of professors were teaching classes that never met and none of the other professors ever had a clue what was going on – for twenty years?
September 30, 2016 at 12:33 pm
Bruce Stanley says:
Don't forget about the 88 Duke University professors who wrote the letter in solidarity condemning the Duke Lacrosse players.