Patrick Sebastian

Patrick Sebastian has over a dozen years of experience in political campaigns, legislative advocacy campaigns, and business advertising efforts in North Carolina, South Carolina, and New Jersey. He is currently a strategist with Majority Strategies.
Patrick’s understanding of the role data and media plays in shaping public opinion is an asset to candidates, as well as entities seeking to influence lawmaking.
Patrick has been a key strategist on campaigns at the gubernatorial, congressional, and presidential levels, including as the North Carolina RNC state director for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign and New Jersey state director for Chris Christie’s reelection campaign for governor. Patrick has also been a longtime advisor to former North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory.
In addition to appearances on UNC-TV’s NC SPIN, Patrick has appeared on local and national outlets including Politico, National Journal, National Review, Roll Call, McClatchy Newspapers, the Raleigh News & Observer, WRAL-TV, WTVD, and Spectrum News.
He is a member of three boards: The North Carolina Medical Care Commission, the East Carolina University Board of Visitors, and the East Carolina University Survey Research Center.