Overhaul greedy hospitals

Published February 2, 2014

by John Pendergast, health care consultant, published in Charlotte Observer, February 1, 2014.

“One.” It’s a catchy slogan. It’s the number of our quarterback. It is not a coincidence that Cam Newton and Carolinas HealthCare System have teamed up on a major advertising campaign. What does it take to be “One”? For months now you have read in the Charlotte Observer and (Raleigh) News & Observer – and also Time, 60 Minutes, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and many other media outlets – about hospital executives in North Carolina and nationwide raking in huge profits on the backs of patients and the employers who provide and pay for health insurance to these patients.

You’ve read that hospitals are paying their executives millions of dollars annually, with country club memberships, daily catering services, use of auto and air fleets and other perks. You have read that hospital systems are overcharging cancer patients for their chemotherapy drugs and that these systems have bought up oncology clinics, which has monopolized cancer treatment resulting in higher profits and increased financial burden for these patients.

You’ve read that hospital systems are buying up cardiovascular physician offices and moving standardized tests to hospitals and making 200-400 percent more on each stress test and electrocardiogram. You’ve also seen the blatant disregard for financial stewardship by hospitals increasing charges 10 percent year over year, excessive advertising with sports teams, billboards, TV commercials, radio ads; excessive purchasing of real estate, questionable construction and remodeling projects; and increasing the community’s focus on high-cost care by overemphasizing emergency treatments and expanding emergency rooms.

You’ve seen hospitals build urgent cares and physician offices next to competing hospitals, taking patients away, which drives up health care costs and further monopolizes care.

This is all evidence of greed by hospital CEOs and CFOs. This behavior goes against everything doctors and nurses stand for. It goes against the Hippocratic Oath. It goes against common decency, fair play and ethics. It should be illegal, but it is not because the hospital lobby rules Raleigh, Washington, and almost every state capital. Everyone knows it, the governor, the president, the DOJ, the AG, the OIG, the FTC – everybody but the patient. Patients are facing bankruptcy. Employers are struggling to pay medical bills and insurance premiums. States are having to divert funds to cover excess medical costs of their state employees.

Many hospital systems have reaped huge profits without considering the negative impacts on the physical, mental and financial health of their patients and their employers. It’s time for a change. It’s time for morality, ethics and patient quality of life to dominate the health care market.

The responsibility of a healthy population resides with the community and should be spearheaded by the community hospitals. That means that hospital systems should do everything in their power to have the healthiest population, to deliver services at the lowest possible costs for both patient and their employer. It is the responsibility of the hospital to get all patients to the lowest-cost setting with the highest quality of care.

Every dollar made by every hospital in the U.S. should be used for this cause and this cause alone. Build a free clinic, wellness center, vaccination center in every ZIP code in your area. Build ambulatory surgery centers to keep costs low and quality high. Lower your charges 10 percent every year to compensate for the past decade of greed. Partner with other independent physician groups and hospital facilities to ensure the lowest possible cost for the highest quality of care. There should never be a CHS vs. Novant or a UNC vs. Duke because you are both responsible for making sure that our population is healthy. If anything, you both should be collapsing resources and removing the excess and fat from your budgets. You should be sharing patients and helping each other with research, technology and innovation.

Instead of buying oncology and cardiovascular clinics and overcharging for services, hospitals should partner with them and pay for the equipment to ensure that the service is rendered at the lowest cost. Hospitals should function at a 3 percent net profit and never sue a patient for any amount over the Medicare allowable. Advertising budgets for non-profit hospitals should be cut by 90 percent and regulated by the government. Hospitals should partner with all employers to make sure that each service is rendered at the lowest possible cost with the highest health outcome. Hospitals should send nurses and wellness coordinators to their local employers for free every month to keep costs low and health high.

It’s time for a major overhaul of hospital systems in every state. I want North Carolina to be number one. That would mean CHS is not ‘one’ but many and that the patient will always be No. 1, with their employer. We can not rest until North Carolina is ranked No. 1 in citizen health, No. 1 in lowest health care costs per patient, No. 1 in lowest medical costs for employers, and No. 1 in nurse/physician to patient ratios. So Pat or Roy or whoever our next governor is: This should be your priority No. 1.

John Pendergast has 15 years experience in the health care industry. As contract manager and claims consultant, he helped self-insured companies and patients reduce their health care costs.

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2014/02/01/4655089/overhaul-greedy-hospitals.html#.Uu5C__1JMds#storylink=cpy

February 2, 2014 at 11:45 am
Norm Kelly says:

It is quite possible that Mr. Pendergast is right.

Unfortunately, we will never know. Because the central planners, aka the Democrat Party, have taken control of the health care delivery system in this country. It's true that this is only phase 1 of the take over. There's much more to be done to complete the take over. But when the central planners are in control, when the central planners specifically implement laws that takes ALL OPTIONS for states OFF the table, then innovation like Mr. Pendergast references is simply not possible.

What does the future hold for Mr. Pendergast's ideas? It makes implementation of ideas such as his, or any one else's for that matter, an impossibility. Ideas like this are simply a pipe dream. How can I predict this? Cuz I listen to what the central planners are saying, knowing that their plans are much further along than they are willing to let us know about yet. For instance, what's one major difference between K and whoever her Republican opponent will be? K has talked about her support for single payer in this country. Not only has she talked about it, but she, at one time, openly criticized Obamacancer as not going far enough, and suggesting single payer at the time instead. Regardless of who her Republican opponent is, that person will definitely NOT endorse single payer. How can I make this claim without knowing who it will be? Simple. Cuz no Republican who expresses support for socialized medicine will make it out of the primary.

When central planners take over, look around the world and document for us how much innovation and experimentation is allowed. Who does more innovation - the free people/businesses or the controlled people/businesses? In a controlled society there is NO incentive to innovate. The only incentive is to go along with the central planners. Similar to the way Obamacancer is being implemented. According to his high holiness's own words, it's either his high-way or no way at all. If it's not done his high-way, he will act on his own. Just like every good central planner, dictator, ruler.

Mr. Pendergast wants innovation to take place at the state level. I wonder where he stood on support of socialized medicine part 1, and where he stands on socialized medicine as K envisions it. It would be nice to see an editorial from Mr. Pendergast relating his take on socialized medicine.

(it would also be nice if the used-to-be major media outlets started asking K about her position & plans for socialized medicine. and it would be equally nice if they pressed her on her answer and didn't simply soft-ball it because she's one of them or they are one of her. for this one instance, pretend she's a republican and keep asking the questions until she gives a real answer. i know. talk about a pipe dream. there's no way any media outlet is going to pressure any democrat for real answers. the media types know that this would drive people away from the demons, would put the media types in the line of fire from the demons and the irs. going along with the demons is simply business survival for the media types. and they know it.)

February 4, 2014 at 12:48 pm
John Pendergast says:

Thank you Mr. Kelly for the comments on the article. My position on socialized medicine is that I am very much pro-business,pro doctor, pro nurse, pro patient and even pro hospital. I am writing of a paradigm shift to a community health model where the sole focus of the hospital system is to increase patient quality and decrease cost of care. I want republicans, democrats, and all businesses and patients to hold hospitals accountable for producing high quality with low costs. I am not talking about socialized medicine as much as I am promoting morality, ethics, financial stewardship, and accountability. I want business CEOs, politicians from both aisles, the Governor, the AG, the FTC, the DOJ and everyone to demand the lowest cost of care with the highest quality and that we will not tolerate the greed and profit taking by hospital executives and the hospital association any longer. Promoting business development for NC and all other states means lowering healthcare costs and increasing quality and that will only happen when we all hold them accountable. If we have to regulate them to promote quality of life and increase business development and save our economy then that is what we should do. However, I personally vote for accountability, honesty,and partnership so that the community, state, and nation win. Could be a pipe dream...but you have to be the change. Have a great day.