Our poisoned political speech
Published August 9, 2015
Editorial by Wilmington Star-News, August 8, 2015.
Upon reaching a certain age, it's not uncommon to start saying things that, in more youthful days, you were sure you'd never utter.
Take, for example, the kind lady we met recently while shopping at Best Buy. She stopped us and asked, “Don't stores sell music on CDs anymore?” Although Best Buy has a small selection of music on polycarbonate, we had to break it to our fellow shopper that, indeed, most music for sale today exists in the ether.
While we have come to grips with the lack of music on small discs (and big vinyl discs, too) we still find ourselves sometimes wishing for the good old days – specifically, the days when manners and civility mattered in the public square.
We think that so-called political correctness can go too far. We are not prepared to wave our hands in the air instead of clapping lest we startle someone with PTSD. Nor do we understand how telling someone you are an American is seen as threatening.
But is believing it is wrong to, in public, call someone a “degenerate," a "slob" and a "pig" somehow kowtowing to political correctness? There is a big difference between being afraid to speak out truthfully lest you offend someone, and common decency and manners.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told Fox News host Megyn Kelly, “I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct.”
We think Mr. Trump doth protest too much. But, then again, he is running a campaign based on outrage. Trump seems to be outraged by most everything and most everybody. More disappointing are the many folks from both sides of the political aisles who seem overly eager to jump on the outrage bandwagon.
It's not good enough anymore to disagree with the opposition and point out a better way. We now must show our outrage.
We practice governance by invective.
While previous generations of politicians called on our better angels, today's leaders too often bring out our worst.
Barack Obama is not just wrong on Iran, they tell us, he is a traitor and a supporter of terrorism against the United States.
Rep. Paul Ryan doesn't want to break the cycle of welfare dependence in order to help people; he is trying to starve children.
We have been taught to look for the worst in each other, and to think the worst of each other. Our common life has been poisoned by bad will. It's no longer enough just to disagree with the other side, we must be disagreeable.
Whoever makes it to the White House, we hope they have the optimism and magnanimity of a Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton. Our presidents are not CEOs. They are not managers. They are leaders.
Perhaps the most valuable skill of a good leader is the ability to motivate and inspire people and to bring out the best in them.
We feel like there are leaders in the current GOP field who possess those traits.
The sooner Mr. Trump exits the stage, the easier it will be to identify those who can lead and inspire, not just those who can project anger.