Ole Joe Hunt

Published February 20, 2014

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, February 19, 2014.

Governor McCrory walked into Reid’s Fine Food and ran head on into a cook who proceeded to tell him what he thought of the Governor’s politics; then, the way the cook tells it, the Governor started yelling, saying he was a customer and shouldn’t be treated that way – then the Governor’s security detail complained to the owner and the cook was fired.

Years ago, when ole Joe Hunt (who was Jim Hunt’s uncle) was running for re-election to the State House, as he walked down the street in Greensboro, a lady came up to him and chewed him out, cussing him up one side and down another, saying she wouldn’t vote for him if her life depended on it.


When she was done Joe doffed his hat and said, Well, ma’am, I never reckoned it would be unanimous.


It was a better response.