Old wisdom for a new day
Published November 14, 2014
By Tom Campbell
by Tom Campbell, Executive Producer and Moderator, NC SPIN, November 13, 2014.
“I am not a member of any organized party - I’m a Democrat,” humorist Will Rogers frequently said in the 1920’s. The same is true today, especially in North Carolina. After a third consecutive poor showing Democrats need to ask what they must do to consistently win elections.
I initially registered as a Democrat because my parents were, but also because you had to be a Democrat if you wanted to vote in North Carolina’s primary elections in the 1960s. There were three registered Democrats to every Republican and the GOP was hard pressed to field candidates for the General Elections, much less compete against one another in primaries. Democrats still dominate slightly today, the GOP has gained strength, but more than 25 percent are unaffiliated.
Political parties, like organizations, go through up to six cycles or stages. In the entrepreneurial beginning, one or more with a vision, passion or goal work extraordinarily hard toward accomplishing their dream and recruiting others to join them. Often armed with little more than unbounded enthusiasm and an unwillingness to fail they enter the second stage: growth. Profitability, growing acceptance and support propels the organization to the third stage: success. Money flows, acceptance grows, times are good. It is typically this stage when the organization feels the need for structure, rules, chains of command and bureaucracy. Founding leaders are often replaced, retire or become complacent.
But organizations either improve or decline and more do the latter. The temptation is to take continued success for granted and relax innovation, customer or membership support and leadership development. Think of successful organizations that once dominated their fields but have now disappeared or are irrelevant.
At this point the organization has two choices: reinvent itself and regain success or circle the wagons and go into a defense mode, protecting the organization itself. This is exactly where North Carolina Democrats find themselves today - pointing fingers of blame and defending increasingly unsuccessful leadership, strategies and performance. Uncorrected, the last life cycle stage is demise.
As respected journalist Cash Michaels summarized the November elections on NC SPIN, Democrats’ current posture of whining about Republican policies isn’t resonating with voters. They need a makeover.
Speaking of Will Rogers, he also said, “You've got to be optimist to be a Democrat, and you've got to be a humorist to stay one.” For starters, Democrats need to restructure. The party transformed from an organization where decisions were made in smoke-filled back rooms by a handful to an unwieldy governance structure that is so large it cannot possibly develop clear and consistent strategies, take swift and decisive action or hold anyone accountable. They must re-examine who their constituents are and what issues are important to them, then they must completely revamp badly designed and executed communications.
North Carolina needs at least two strong political parties. We saw what happened when Democrats, dominated for the better part of a century, growing stale and indecisive due to a lack of competition. They must decide, as Rogers told Al Smith, one of the leaders in the Democratic Party in the 1920s, that, “We can make this thing into a Party, instead of a Memory.” We certainly hope so.
It is fitting to close with a final Rogers quote: “Never miss a good chance to shut up.”
November 14, 2014 at 11:12 am
Richard Bunce says:
As usual the Political Party premise at it's base is flawed. The view that Political Parties primarily exist to gain political party through elections is the fundamental flaw. Successfully implementing principles in government runs a distant second to that primary imperative. It should be far easier for candidates independent of political parties to at least gain access to the ballot... although I think voters can overcome even that if they were not so lazy.
November 17, 2014 at 10:42 am
Norm Kelly says:
'The party transformed from an organization where decisions were made in smoke-filled back rooms by a handful'. Is this 'the good ole days'? Is this what we want from our political leaders/elected representatives? Do we really want ANY political party working in the dark, making decisions for US with little to no input from US? Seems that this attitude was a reason that Demoncrats lost the faith of believers. Demons constantly whine that this is the way Republicans govern. Another case of demons using their own flaws to demonize their opposition?
'it cannot possibly develop clear and consistent strategies'. Actually, the DemocRAT party across the country, not just in NC, HAS developed a clear and consistent strategy. It's just a scheme that is NOT accepted by a majority across the country. This is not an NC phenomenon. This is a national rejection of the SCHEMES that the demoncrat party has perpetuated for DECADES! What is the clear and consistent strategy? Tax. Spend. Penalize success. Make life decisions for the masses. Take smoking for instance. Demoncrat policy is to 'assist' smokers in making the decision to quit smoking. If you can't convince someone to quit smoking through disgusting TV commercials, then you simply INCREASE taxes on the product to such a point that you force the poorest among us to quit or go broke. Tax the product to the point where the gubment makes MORE MONEY on the sale of each pack than the manufacturer OR point of sale. Same thing with automobile gas taxes. Who makes more money on a gallon of gas, gubment or the gas company? How do the socialists respond? If the price of a gallon of gas gets 'too low' as defined by socialists like Algore, then the gubment MUST tax the product to the point where it's painful for it to continue to be used. Remember in NC when the DEMONS in Raleigh refused to reduce the tax on a gallon of gas as the price approached or exceeded $4 per gallon? They said that WE could afford the increase in gas price AS WELL AS the increase in the gas tax, but THE STATE, the BELOVED state, the savior of the demons, COULD NOT AFFORD to reduce the gas tax to give US a break. They fought almost to the bitter end to prevent US from getting the smallest break! Demons defended THE STATE because that's where their power comes from; that's where their ability to CONTROL LIVES comes from.
Is the demon party 'strategy' consistent? Yes. Everywhere in the nation, demons have the same scheme. Tax. Spend. Tax some more. Pit the hated 'wealthy' against the beloved 'poor'. Pit the workers against the non-workers. Pit illegal aliens against legal residents. Take more power for themselves, limit the freedoms and choices of the masses. This is true in every state where demons are in power. This is true in Washington when demons are in control. Even the XL pipeline is opposed UNTIL and UNLESS it can benefit 'THE PARTY'. Sounds an awful lot like some fascist countries over in the European and Russian areas. Does socialized medicine give MORE control to individuals or the central planners? Does increasing the investments tax on the 'wealthy' actually increase revenue to the gubment or does it simply penalize success? When it was pointed out to comrade occupier that increasing the tax would have the effect of reducing actual income to the central planners, he indicated that this MIGHT be true, but it was the right thing to do because it sent the message to the masses that he was another socialist hell-bent on penalizing success regardless of how it might affect the economy or individuals.
'They must re-examine who their constituents are'. Demons KNOW EXACTLY who their constituents are. The most recent campaign cycle showed this clearly. Go back & watch the ads that ran for demon pols. Spend more on education. Concentrate MORE power in the hands of pols, at any level, so they can make even more decisions for US. Spend even more money on the failed VA health care system because allowing freedom of choice into the scheme will only prove that socialized medicine is a failure. Oh, and it would take too much control away from the central planners. Eliminate school choice. Or if you can't eliminate it, make it so expensive that no one but the wealthiest among us could afford it. Make sure they take the option of school choice away from the most needy among us. Continue to tell people that the answer to all the school problems is MORE MONEY. Tell illegal aliens that they can become legal ONLY IF they illegally vote for demon pols. Buy more votes from non-producers so the party can take more from producers to pay more to non-producers.
'what issues are important to them'. See above. What's important to the party is clearly represented, and excellently demonstrated in their political campaign ads. Prevent exploration for energy within the borders of the US. Make traditional electricity generation so expensive that about 1/3 of all power production plants in the US will be forced to shutdown. Tax 'the wealthy'. Give more benefits to 'the poor'. Transition illegal aliens into legal citizens so they can take advantage of gubment payment programs. Demonize anyone who believes the 2nd Amendment actually exists. Prevent PRIVATE development of the XL pipeline even though the 'energy' isn't being extracted on American soil.
'completely revamp badly designed and executed communications'. Anyone who paid attention to communication from demon pols in the past decade knows exactly where the demon party stands. Their communication has been excellent. Comrade occupier has come out to say that Gruber was NOT a paid adviser to the White House concerning socialized medicine. Except this is just ANOTHER lie from the occupier, cuz the facts, which libs choose to ignore, show that Gruber was paid for his service. Comrade occupier says that the obamacancer bill was fully debated. Except this is also just another lie. We can count on 1 hand the number of Congress people who read the entire bill before voting on it. We know Queen Nancy didn't read it. She even told us that we needed to pass it before we could know what was in it. Their communication was excellent and excellently executed. Which demon pol came out and told the truth about socialized medicine? Which demon pol explained that the failed VA Health system was the perfect model of what obamascare would be? None. OK; actually demon pols told us that the SUCCESS of the VA Health system would be replicated throughout socialized medicine for the masses - it was a perfect example of how GOOD obamacancer would be. (And it is.) They ALL toed the line of telling exactly the same lie. No deviation from what the occupier wanted them to say. So their communication was EXCELLENTLY designed. The party communication was EXCELLENTLY executed. When it came to the IRS targeting political opponents, which demon pols stepped out from the designated party line? None. They all executed the message flawlessly. They all read from the same talking points memo.
Which is why demons have been rejected almost completely. They have executed their message flawlessly. It's not the messaging that is at fault. It's the schemes that are at fault. They have executed for their constituents extremely well for decades. They have demonized conservatives excellently for decades. It's just that their lies are 'coming home to roost'! Their schemes are wrong. Not their messaging.
November 17, 2014 at 11:44 am
Richard Bunce says:
I would start by ending State funding of political party selection process through primary elections. The two major political parties are the primary users of this resource and it enforces the notion that we must be a two political party nation. Let each political party select their own candidates from among their membership any way they want to and then submit their name for the general election with anyone else that wants to run. Then either have plurality winner, run off, or instant run-off to decide who is elected.