Obama's summer bummer
Published August 26, 2014
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, August 25, 2014.
August 26, 2014 at 7:18 pm
Norm Kelly says:
There's so much wrong with this editorial that it's hard to know where to start.
It's obvious that Gary just hates writing or even thinking ANYTHING that might hint of talking bad about the current occupier. He is so biased in favor of Obama that he doesn't even pay attention to what he writes. He is so busy trying to distract anyone who might stumble across his writings from what the facts are and attempting to paint Republicans as those who HATE EVERYONE that his writings no longer make sense.
Let me give just a few examples. Only a few for a few reasons. First, I have limited time to type at you. Second because there's so much to correct or improve upon that I'd run out of time and fall asleep from exhaustion before I could cover it all.
'the upside of Republicans controlling both houses of Congress ..., As the GOP proved in North Carolina, they will overreach'. Really? Where's the proof of that? Which Republican in the NC Legislature has lost their re-election bid because of what they did since taking power away from the libs? What overreach? You mean not getting involved in expanding socialized medicine? Where do you claim they have overreached that has caused the libs to be on the rise? I see no proof that the majority of actual legal voters are so upset with Republicans that they are turning against them. People like Gary were already convinced the Republicans were wrong for the state even before they started their first session. So the fact that libs don't like the Republican Legislatures moves means nothing. And limiting socialism is ALWAYS a good thing! Just like the lib scheme of ALWAYS expanding socialism is a bad thing. Duh! on both counts!
'They seem torn between missing Bill and wishing for Hillary'. Gary, as a good lib you know this is an understatement if ever there was one. You are part of this group. For some reason that still baffles me, libs miss Bill. And with nothing noteworthy to her credit, libs are panting for Hillary. What has she done that qualifies her for the office? Libs went nuts when Sarah Palin was going to be SECOND IN COMMAND because they claimed she was unqualified for that position. What qualifies Hillary to even be in SECOND PLACE? Be serious with us when you answer that question. Like every other lib that has tried to prove her qualifications, the silence is deafening. Hillary doesn't qualify for SECOND IN COMMAND and is so unqualified to be commander in chief that it's scary to think about. Look what happens when libs put unqualified people in positions of authority. Jimmy Carter. Barack Obama. Hillary. Harry Reid. Algore. The list is too long to continue. Gary, get over it, she's not qualified. Libs should spend the next few years trying to forget the current occupier and try to find a serious contender for the next round!
'Republicans oppose anything he does and stop anything he tries to do'. Republicans opposed the occupier on his desire to implement socialized medicine. And they have been proven right. What else has he tried to do worthwhile? Raise the minimum wage? Because his administration is doing such a good job of destroying full-time jobs. Making up the income gap by raising part time pay will make their numbers look good, but it won't improve anything. And then there's the fact of some 350 bills passed by the House (republicans!) that are sitting on the ever senile Harry's desk. With no action. Doing NOTHING. So, it's the libs doing nothing. It's the libs preventing about 350 bills from even being considered. It's not the Republicans doing nothing. And the occupier has taken to executive action because he can't even get the Demons in the Senate to go along with him. This occupier is taking executive action in areas reserved for Congress. He is violating the law on a regular basis. The proof is in the overrides by SCOTUS to his actions. There's a difference between 'doing something' and doing what's right or what needs to be done. For the past 5-6 years the demons in Washington have been either doing something (obama) or doing nothing (the senate). Besides breaking the law, and covering up illegal activity within his administration, what else have the Republicans stood in the way of? Preventing expansion of socialism is not 'opposing anything' he tries, it's doing what's right for their constituents and the country as a whole.
'save the economy from free fall'. What's the labor participation rate? What's the U6 unemployment rate? What is the ratio of new full time jobs to new part time jobs? How has selling American companies to foreign agents benefited the American economy? Profits are funneled overseas to the owners. It's true that some taxes are still paid, but not as much as would be paid if it remained an American company. How much money was spent to reward his campaign donors that went bankrupt (solyndra is just one example) or do their manufacturing overseas instead of here (tesla motors is only 1 example). Our economy has improved SOME but in spite of what the occupier has done not because of it. Obamacancer is definitely stifling business growth. And not even Gary can argue that!
'begin bringing down the deficit that George W. Bush gave us'. Let's see. The national debt was around 10trillion when Bush left office? Is the national debt now down around 7 or 8 trillion? Is this the credit you wish to give to the occupier? What has the demon-controlled Senate done in it's budgets that has reduced the debt or deficit? Nothing because they have only passed 1 budget since the current occupier took over. Otherwise the demon-controlled Senate has NOT PASSED A BUDGET. Not one that raises the debt nor one that lowers the debt. Which demon in the senate has any budget ideas to reduce the deficit or debt? How about asking K what her plan is? The FACTS, those things libs hate and ignore, show that the national debt is over 17TRILLION dollars and well on it's way to 18TRILLION, with 20TRILLION in sight before the current occupier leaves office. So what has he done to reduce the deficit if the debt has gone from around 10 trillion to around 17trillion? That sounds like a 7trillion dollar growth in the debt in my 'old math' book. If he's done such a great job reducing the deficit then wouldn't the debt be GOING DOWN? Even in the lib handbook adding means growth. Talk about a confused lib. And Gary prays to his non-existent god that no lib reader will figure out that growing is the opposite of reducing/shrinking.
Gotta go. This is a waste of time and intellectual resources. Talking common sense, facts, right vs wrong, with a lib is like pushing a wet noodle up a slippery slope. Waste of time. One side believes in truth, facts, common sense. The other side believes in feelings. Not much thought on one side, facts on the other. Most libs will confuse which side is which, but that's ok. Cuz thinkers are aware of what Gary is trying to do. To conservatives, he's just another waste of time used-to-be-journalist.
August 26, 2014 at 8:04 pm
Johnny Hiott says:
obama has presided over the total chaos that is now Iraq, Libya and America. He has directly caused it and has the blood of tens of thousands on his hands along with his mental midget cohorts hillary clinton and john kerry. Their foreign policy has been worse than a disaster. Regarding the economy, obama has virtually destroyed it ! There have been very few full time jobs created, wages are stagnant and virtually the same as seven years ago. The price of any form of energy has doubled under his direction. Inflation is rampant no matter how many creative lies they tell. Young people don't stand a chance thanks to obama. Not only should he be impeached, he should be arrested ! he has managed to become the worst president in the history of this nation and I seriously doubt that title will ever be taken away from him ! There again I could be wrong as I never thought I would see a more idiotic moron than jimmy carter !