Obama makeover
Published December 24, 2014
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, December 23,2014.
December 24, 2014 at 11:20 pm
Greg Dail says:
You lost me at the second paragraph. Let me take these point by point.
1) A recovering economy? For Wall Street types maybe, but the middle class ain't Warren Buffett.
2) Challenging Congress on immigration is one way to put it, but I'd say he's challenging Congress to protect the Constitution against illegal executive abuse of power (power he doesn't have by the way).
3) Championing internet openness by limiting internet openness...sounds very Democratic Party to me.
4) Leading on climate change? What climate change? But when "carbon credits" start getting passed around I'm sure Al Gore and the Chinese will be elated...and a heckuva lot richer!
5) Speaking sanely on race relations with his close advisor the Rev. Al Sharpton at his side. If there ever was a self-serving race pimp it's the Rev. The President of the United States should not be anywhere near this street hustler, after all, when Al speaks people die.
6) Calling out North Korea did he? I must have missed that. Oh I saw where the President is "considering" putting them back on the sponsor of terrorism list. My question is how in the world North Korea was ever removed from the list?
By the way, did you forget Cuba?
December 25, 2014 at 7:36 pm
Frank Burns says:
The correct answer was Obama was in hiding because he was toxic and remains toxic. His policies are unpopular and his bypassing Congress is illegal and needs to be stopped. Just because he cannot govern, it doesn't become our problem.