North Carolinians are a grumpy group

Published August 29, 2014

by Taylor Batten, Charlotte Observer, August 28, 2014.

New polling data from Gallup depict North Carolina voters as trending Republican and bearish on the economy, President Obama and state government. The data, released Wednesday, confirm what most N.C. political observers have known for some time: The crucial U.S. Senate race between incumbent Democrat Kay Hagan and Republican House Speaker Thom Tillis could boil down to who's more unpopular: Obama or the state legislature.

Gallup's surveys show that Democrats have lost about all of the 10-point advantage they had in North Carolina in 2008, when Obama and Hagan were swept into office. That year, 49 percent of respondents described themselves as Democrat or leaning Democrat, while 39 percent described themselves as Republican. Today, that Democratic advantage has vanished, Gallup finds: The state now is basically evenly divided, 42-41 in favor of Democrats.

Gallup says Obama has a 41 percent approval rating in the state, just below the national average of 43 percent. Just 51 percent of respondents have confidence in state government, which is significantly lower than the national average of 58 percent. And state residents' confidence in the economy is dramatically lower than that of residents in other states (+8 versus +23). Only three of 10 North Carolinians think it is a good time to find a job in their local area.

Only 34 percent said North Carolina is one of the best states to live in, compared with 46 percent who say that nationally.

So does this grumpy group blame Obama and Congress or the all-Republican legislature and governor in Raleigh? That could be the determining factor in the Senate race, Gallup says, echoing what N.C. pundits have said all along.

August 29, 2014 at 8:47 am
Norm Kelly says:

As expected, the majority in the media are doing what they can to convince NC residents that it's the Republicans fault. Free speech is guaranteed by the US CONSTITUTION. It's already under assault. Free practice of religion is guaranteed by the US CONSTITUTION. It's already under assault. Did you read the story about the girl who said 'bless you' and was reprimanded by her teacher? The teacher insisted no religious talk was allowed in the class. The girl didn't say 'God bless you', just 'bless you', as reported anyway. Religious practice is under assault. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the occupier being a muslim, because we are assured he is not. Just like we are assured he is not a socialist. Freedom of the press is also guaranteed by the US CONSTITUTION. Access to the occupier and his family is being restricted. Pictures normally taken by the media are being limited, restricted, and only those photos that the occupier wants released are allowed to be delivered to the media. Freedom of the press has been under assault by the people who work in the media as well. They self-edit. Anything that MIGHT appear negative when it concerns their allies in the demon party, they tend to hold back the story or modify it in such a way as to not appear as negative. Self-editing is nothing compared to government enforced censorship.

When the central planners manage to step in and actually put censors in the 'news' rooms, will the press finally understand what the rest of us have been complaining about? When freedoms are limited, eventually it affect EVERYONE. Even media people.

So, do what you can to support the demon/socialist party in this country while they still let you. Media types and demon pols rail against the support of big business by the Republican party, claiming they want to create monopolies that destroy the environment, drinking water, poison their employees and various other outrageous, non-existent idiocy. This is a distraction from their real schemes that are being implemented 'in the background'. But you also have to watch which big businesses the demon party supports and supports the demon party. Big Business is not just a friend to Republicans. More are friends of the demons. Including unions. Which demons do what they can to make sure the union allies are not regulated.

All too often the willing allies in the media go along with the misinformation, distortions of truth, and outright lies. Take the Duke coal ash spill for a perfect, and recent, example. It's fresh in everyone's minds. Who do the demons blame? Republicans. What information does the media release concerning the history of the existence of the coal ash ponds? Virtually none. There have been times, admittedly, where someone in the media has let it slip that the coal ash ponds have existed for decades. But that is the end of the history lesson. And it seems that they realize too late that this was slipped out and it doesn't appear again for weeks on end, if ever. What the demons and media types don't want you to know is that for decades, it was the DEMON PARTY in control of Raleigh. It was the Demons in control of Raleigh that set the tone for DENR. DENR complains NOW that they felt pressured by the new Republican legislature to not enforce the rules quite so vigorously anymore. But, for decades DENR and the demons appear to have had an agreement, without pressure, to not enforce the rules vigorously at all. For DECADES DENR and the DEMONS worked in conjunction with Duke to pollute the citizens of our great state, yet it's the Republicans who are blamed by the demons and the allies in the media simply go along with it.

When the media starts being truly censored by the government, then will you show more concern for truth? Or will it be too late by the time you wake up?