North Carolina children face a troubling future

Published July 24, 2014

Editorial by News and Observer, July 23, 2014.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation is in the business of looking out for the interests of children, particularly poor children, and uses periodic data to report on the “state of the child” in all states. The KIDS COUNT Data Book does not have good news for kids in North Carolina in areas that measure what the foundation calls “child well-being.”

Overall, using 16 measures from health to education to poverty, the report puts North Carolina 34th nationally in child well-being.

These findings, released this week and reported by WRAL, should disturb all North Carolinians. The report should bother the state’s leaders, Gov. Pat McCrory and those who run the General Assembly. And it must prompt some fact-finding and soul-searching.

Consider: Some 26 percent of North Carolina’s children live in poverty. That is a stunning and disgraceful figure. One in four. In poverty.

Too many at risk

And it is no mystery what goes with poverty: lowered horizons and fewer opportunities, crime, despair and ill health from poor nutrition to serious dental problems.

Also accompanying poverty in too many cases are tumult in the home between parents and abuse that is a product of the tensions that being poor creates.

Specifically, the numbers in the report have North Carolina 38th in “economic well-being,” 28th in education, 32nd in health and 36th in family and community.

Said Laila A. Bell, director of research at NC Child, which runs the NC KIDS COUNT project: “These data show our children are at risk of falling behind in key areas, leaving them under-prepared to compete and excel in the 21st century economy.”

If anything, that’s putting it mildly.

The report showed that the percentage of North Carolina children in poverty had gone up five points since 2005 and that more than 30 percent of parents are in unstable employment situations, many with the additional pressure of paying more for their apartments or homes than they can afford. And of children in North Carolina, more than a third are in homes with just one parent.

Outrun by reality

Talk is cheap. North Carolina has long boasted of its progressive climate, of how it is more enlightened and nurturing of its residents than other states of the South. It has indeed been blessed through the years with moderate governors such as Terry Sanford and Jim Hunt who have made education a priority.

But these numbers show that any boasting has been outrun by reality. Bell noted, “A greater share of our children are being raised in high-poverty neighborhoods than in West Virginia.”

McCrory and GOP legislative leaders can preside over decline, or they can break their cycle of cutting public education and unemployment benefits and limiting Medicaid.

Children get out of poverty by being given hope and opportunity through good public schools. Their parents break the poverty cycle by having job training and family support from social services agencies. The state should ensure adequate medical care that is, in addition to being something a humane society shouldn’t even have to think twice about, smart in that it helps people get to work and stay at work.

North Carolina must do its part to stop the decline in quality of life for too many citizens. It especially must focus on the young, who deserve a future that is better than their past.

July 24, 2014 at 9:10 am
Richard Bunce says:

Through good education... whether the school is "public" or not is irrelevant. Government school systems in which the majority of students are not proficient at basic skills has proven not the be the answer. Providing relatively low income parents with additional resources to send their children to alternate school systems can be the answer.

July 24, 2014 at 7:32 pm
Norm Kelly says:

I read this post wondering from top to bottom what the point was. It seems that some very major information is missing. Then when I got almost to the bottom, the author told us what all the lamenting was about. So that no one accuses me of misrepresenting what the author wrote, and no one can accuse me of spreading 'misinformation' (lib speak for 'lies), here's the quote "North Carolina has long boasted of its progressive climate'. You see, the 'study' information provided was simply so the author could lament that we have left our 'progressive' ways in the past. The voters made a bad decision, according to leftists, when a majority decided that lefty policies had been tried and shown to have failed. Enough voters in our state looked at the direction the demons were taking us, looked at the direction the lefties were taking the nation, and looked at the direction that socialists are taking other states, that we rightly & properly concluded that the left direction was wrong. It's about time our state was allowed to try something different. The 'progressives' weren't willing to try anything new, so voters replaced them with people who said they were willing to try something new. 'Progressivism' isn't new; it's tired, old, failed, and not worth trying any more. So voters decided to replace 'progressive' socialists with free-enterprise supporting, freedom loving, more conservative Republicans. Or at least that appears to have been the desire when voting took place. Cutting taxes, cutting spending, reducing regulation on business, fostering economic growth are all good ideas whose time has come. All of them are ideas and therefore foreign to libs/demons/socialists. Since Republicans were voted into the majority, what have we heard from lefties? Lamenting the good old 'progressive' days. What can they point to that we should go back to? What ideas have the libs shown us over the past decade or so that makes anyone wish for their control & schemes again?

The author starts out telling us partial information from the study. If all of the information from the study were revealed, would it prove the authors point or would it prove the author's leftist agenda? I notice that the author does NOT mention some of the major contributing factors in so much poverty. Single moms are a major cause of 'poverty' among women and children. Having kids out of wedlock leads to a number of negative societal consequences. This was not mentioned by the author. An economy barely recovering from a major downturn where mostly or only part time jobs are being created. An economic environment being dragged down by a skyrocketing national debt, increasing medical insurance costs caused by libs implementation of socialized medicine, increased business regulation, threats to private business from the current regime (remember Boeing), targeting of private citizens by IRS, massive invasion of illegal aliens prompted by support for citizenship from the demon party, newly renamed to the Socialist Party, and various other government intrusions into daily life & business life. Then there's the lie from demons about needing more regulation to protect people in the state, while at the same time it is fact that the existing regulations were not enforced when the Socialist Party was in charge of Raleigh. All of these factors contribute to high unemployment and part time jobs. Which contributes to families living in poverty.

'Children get out of poverty by being' generally raised in a 2 parent family. Nothing that socialism or government interference can do anything about. Except to stop paying for families to break up. Being raised properly to understand self-reliance, which is easier to accomplish with an intact family that through any socialist program.

'Their parents break the poverty cycle by having job' opportunities. And we are NOT talking about the part time jobs that have become the norm since the occupier's schemes have been implemented. During the Bush years, the lefties complained about the number of people having to take part time jobs. Since the current occupier has moved into the People's House, the creation of part time jobs has gone even higher, yet we hear nothing about this from the socialists who support the occupier. It is true that government run/taxpayer supported job training programs have a place. But it should be a minor factor in people getting good jobs. In the right environment, private business will hire people and train them to do the job the EMPLOYER wants done the way the EMPLOYER wants it done, not some government agent. Of course, the answer provided by libs to spur the economy, to raise income levels, to generate jobs is to legalize millions of illegal aliens and invite more to come into our country. How does having an illegal alien take a job help the American family prosper? Sounds like a good question for our 'friends' at the N&D to ask K next time they want to write a fluff piece about her. I won't hold my breath.

NC must 'do its part to stop the decline in quality of life for too many citizens' along with citizens taking action on their own behalf. There must be a plan in place that allows & promotes the idea that people are responsible for themselves. There must be a safety net. No ONE AT ALL is arguing against a safety net. But when the safety net has transformed (to use the occupier's term!) into a hammock, it's time to change direction. Even France is changing it's stance on being too generous with taxpayer money. If the French can figure out that socialism is crippling them, why can't our elected officials figure it out? The French actually aren't that smart, and not smarter than Americans. NC must do it's part to promote 2 parent families. NC must do it's part to foster parental involvement in their kids lives. Part of this means that kids MUST be able to attend schools as close to home as practical so parents can be involved. School systems should NOT be county wide, forcing kids to be bussed 40 or more minutes from home. One way to break kids out of poverty is to provide them an education environment that welcomes parents into the building rather than preventing parents from ever getting to the school. If the government MUST get involved in daily life, how about agencies start promoting FAMILY LIFE, where kids and parents are not just encouraged to spend time together but actually have the opportunity to do so. Every kid deserves a future better than their past. But is continued government taxing and spending part of the solution? Can libs, socialists, demons, editorial writers show where continued growth in education spending has improved family life? Can any lib show where continued increases in funding for the education establishment has actually improved the average education of kids in our state? Can any lib show where Communist Core is helping kids develop critical thinking skills, logical thought processes, ability to reason out a situation? Or can libs only pine for the good ole days of 'progressivism'? Can libs provide any ideas for making progress or can they only recycle old ideas that have already proven failures? Which lib currently running for elected office has a new idea, a new plan? Are lib pols only talking about the same schemes used when they were last in power? New or old? Innovative or government-controlled? Freedom or central control? Private sector or government control? Boeing able to build & operate a manufacturing plant where they want, hiring the people they want, or being restricted from growing by central planner interference? Protecting unions or allowing business to grow? Out of control, unfunded government employee benefits/retirement plans or private sector jobs where people get to choose?

Progressivism or freedom? Not a hard choice. A humane society would choose freedom. Because we love our kids. Because we love our families. Because we love our neighbors. Private citizens are much more generous and much more successful than any government agency. And not a single progressive has yet to show this to be wrong. And darn few 'progressives' are as generous as they want the government to be. Remember when Bill donated his underwear? Remember how little clueless Joe Biden donated when his tax records were revealed? Remember how much Mitt Romney donated to charity when HIS tax records were revealed? Joe was counting on government. Mitt was helping. See the difference? If not, it's probably too late for you; probably spend your days pining for the 'progressivism' of the past also.