No valedictorians? Study this assignment hard

Published June 20, 2016

Editorial by Fayetteville Observer, June 20, 2016.

Who had the best grades in your graduating class? Thursday's Observer featured this year's honor roll of valedictorians from schools across Cumberland County.

Will it be one of the last such head-of-class rankings in the county public schools? Perhaps, if the school board decides to drop the system in favor of a Latin honors system that recognizes more outstanding students.

Why mess with a time-honored tradition? Some say the competition over hundredth-of-a-point advantages can be unhealthy and distracting for students. Some students may take certain courses just to boost their grades in the race to rank No. 1.

The Wake County school board this year voted to drop the valedictorian system in favor of Latin honors starting in 2019. Let's just say the change didn't sit well with traditionalists - "de laude" no, in our Southern Latin phrasing.

We like the approach that some Cumberland County schools have already taken and that the Durham school system adopted this year. They've kept valedictorians and salutatorians and also added Latin honors.

Superintendent Frank Till Jr. and his staff are developing a recommendation. No doubt they are studying this one hard.