No holiday for campaigners
Published December 2, 2015
by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, December 1, 2015.
A year from now, either Roy Cooper’s team or Pat McCrory’s team will be sifting through resumes for the next administration. The losers will be polishing their own resumes.
Right now, both teams are deep in the same two struggles: raising millions of dollars and wrestling for control of the debate. Soon, we’ll know whether McCrory has caught up after a poor fundraising start. For now, we’re watching both wrestle for the microphone. Which raises some questions.
Will the “Carolina Comeback” cut it? Clearly, this is McCrory’s mantra. Less clear is whether voters believe it exists. Or, if it does, if McCrory deserves the credit.
Will “Wrong Priorities” cut it? Is Cooper’s critique strong enough? Does it successfully tie McCrory to an unpopular legislature? It’s true that, given gerrymandering, if you’re unhappy with what the legislature has done, the only way to change it may be your vote for Governor. Ditto if you believe big givers should get less from the state and teachers and state troopers should get more.
Can McCrory neutralize negative media coverage? Whenever there’s a bad headline – and there are plenty of them – McCrory’s response is to blame the “left wing media.” That’s easier than explaining the headlines he’s had lately.
Can Cooper exploit a corruption message? Let’s count the opportunities: A donor who said his donations to McCrory entitled him to a prison contract, and he got it. Special customer service, including texts from the Governor’s personal cell phone, for other big donors. Sweetheart deals at DHHS. McCrory rode into office on a reformer wave. Will a riptide pull him right back out?
Can McCrory throw Cooper a curve ball? If wrong priorities/corruption cuts and “Carolina Comeback” doesn’t cut, can McCrory change the subject to terrorists, transgender people or some equally terrifying topic?
Will the legislature help or hurt McCrory? Next summer’s session could dictate next fall’s debate. Some Republicans would be happy to have McCrory gone, so long as they still have their super-majority.
Finally, what will the national tide be? Will Obama drag Democrats down again? Will there be a Hillary wave? Will Republicans nominate a presidential disaster or a candidate with coattails?
It’s going to be a close thing. Any of these factors can decide whether you spend the holidays next year writing budgets and legislation…or writing your friends for help finding a new job.
Ah, the joys of politics and the holiday season!