New NC election laws suppress voters

Published September 12, 2014

Editorial by News and Observer, September 11, 2014.

Thanks to changes in election laws drawn by Republicans, 454 provisional ballots cast in the May primary in North Carolina were rejected. Those voters weren’t able to register and vote during the early voting period because the GOP legislature eliminated “same-day registration.” Others tried to cast provisional ballots outside their home precincts on Election Day, but that also was no longer allowed.

Bob Hall of Democracy North Carolina said his Durham-based watchdog group looked at thousands of provisional ballots cast in the primary and found those 454 that were rejected because of changes made in 2013.

“These are real people,” Hall said. “These are folks from all walks of life.”

They are not, however, people who attempted to engage in voter fraud, which was the trumped-up reason GOP lawmakers kept citing for changing election laws to make voting more difficult. Most of the changes affected groups of voters more likely to vote Democratic, which is exactly why the changes were made.

“When they (advocates for the changes) bring up cases of fraud,” Hall said, “they’re talking about cases of three and four and five. This is 450 people who were denied the right to vote in one primary election where you have small turnout. We could have thousands in the general (election).”

So Hall and his group are urging people to check their status at to make sure they are registered at their current addresses, and he’s also encouraging people to vote early to avoid problems on Election Day.

Republicans would like to conjure visions of massive voter fraud, or at least the threat thereof, but the problem isn’t one of any magnitude, and they know it. They’ve changed election laws for political reasons, pure and simple. And that is an outrageous affront to democracy.

September 12, 2014 at 8:37 am
Richard Bunce says:

Any illegal vote negates all legal votes. Constitutional requirements to be 18, a citizen, a resident, not a felon, not in prison, registered to vote, alive... all disenfranchise voters, suppress voters, stop people from voting.

September 12, 2014 at 9:28 am
Norm Kelly says:

Once again, just from the title of this post, it's easy to tell the source. N&D!

When demons controlled Raleigh and made election law changes specifically to promote and encourage demon voters, did the N&D react negatively? After all, political motivation is bad regardless of who is doing it. Isn't it?

The changes implemented by the demon party specifically targeted demon voters. Take the same-day registration scheme. Whom does this target? Lazy people. People who were sitting at home, doing nothing, watching 'reality' tv, when some demon advocate rings the doorbell. 'Hello homeowner person. Did you know it's election day? If you haven't voted yet, I'd like to offer you a ride to your local polling place. Did you know demon candidate X is running to insure that you can get ...?' 'I'm sorry. I don't believe I've registered to vote. It would interrupt my tv time...'. 'That's OK. Did you know that if I take you to the polling place right now, I can get you registered and vote at the same time? Just remember, it was demon candidate X that encouraged me to check on you & your voting status.' Nope, nothing nefarious here. These aren't the androids you are looking for.

How about those times when the pastor in the black church asks the congregation if there is anyone who hasn't made it to the voting place yet. The pastor indicates that a shuttle bus will be leaving the parking lot immediately following service today. Someone mentions they don't believe they are registered. Pastor responds that it's not a problem because demon pol X has made it possible for lazy, forgetful people to vote at the same time they register, completely ignoring the requirement to register a specified number of days before voting day. Remember that it was the church who provided transportation, and that demon candidate X made it possible for you to vote even though you couldn't be bothered to register. You see, it's illegal for churches to get involved in politics. Except black churches of course. Since blacks support demons over 90% of the time, this aspect of voter fraud is ignored. If a mostly white church preached politics to the congregation, good chance the pastor would be brought up on charges or the church would be shut down by the IRS or DOJ. But it's ignored in black churches all the time. And it does happen all the time!

Where is the N&D on this? Non-existent of course because it works against their allies.

Voter fraud actually does happen. And it happens more in support of demons. So therefore it must be ignored. And the purpose of VIVA is NOT to prevent demon supporters from voting. It's to prevent demon supporters from gaming the system. It's to prevent lazy, disinterested people from being coerced into a vote. If you can't be bothered to register, as easy as the demons have made this process, then you DO NOT deserve to vote on election day! It's that simple. It's not racist. It's fair & equitable for everyone. Everyone who cares, that is!

September 12, 2014 at 3:25 pm
dennis devenport says:

Voter Fraud is a real issue. Get over it. Voter registration is something that is available all year. Why should someone , WAIT til the last freekin minute to register? One vote per county, district and state. Voter ID is required. Show your ID and vote.