Needed: a fundamental Culture Shift

Published August 4, 2013

by Bill Moore, The Beaufort Observer, August 3, 2013.

There are many people talking about how America is changing and not for the better. They cite how we need to return to the Founding Fathers view of government. Further they lament over a loss of religious and moral standards in the anything goes society that many feel we are fast approaching.

Simply put we are rapidly approaching a Society where the individual is not responsible for anything. It is always someone else's fault. It is also someone else's responsibility to solve that issue. It starts at the top. President Obama& his Democratic allies have been blaming the Republicans, Big Business and President Bush for all their failures. They are not accountable for anything. This is consistent with Liberal Mayors and Governors in failing cities and states. They blame failure on big business leaving and rich and middle income people moving out of the area. They feel no responsibility for the environment of taxes and regulations they have created.

On a more individual basis, it is acceptable for people to have as many children as they want, married or not, and expect the government to support them. It is okay if you father children and cannot support them. They believe the government will. It is okay not to work hard in school or in a trade so you can get a decent job. Dropout, the government will support you with housing, food, cellphones, clothes etc. Let someone else be responsible.

College students attend expensive colleges well beyond their means and complain when they have to pay back the loans they decided to borrow. In some cases they major in courses that have no value or extremely limited value after graduation as they enter the job market. They feel they are not responsible and they are owed a high paying job though not trained or qualified.

Now let me state there are people who run into bad times and need help on a temporary basis. I am referring to people who have made a career out of having someone else responsible for their actions. I believe in the Conservative ideal of offering a safety net but not a hammock.

To make these changes will cause some people to be upset. Democrats will say it is an attack on the poor or it is racist. Taking personal responsibility of one's self and family is what has made us the nation we are today. Blaming others will cause this nation to further decay. Let me outline some steps necessary to make the culture shift.

First all fathers will be made to support their children. Taking a page from the Clinton/Republican welfare reform, fathers without a job will be made to work public projects, cleaning lots, streets, playgrounds etc. Half their salary will go in child support.

The people receiving welfare will only be paid additional expenses for up to two children or the children they had when entering the program. Any child after that will not receive additional benefits. People receiving government benefits will lose those benefits if they are convicted of any felony or found using illegal drugs. Benefits will continue while taking job training classes in areas where those employment skills are needed.

All high school graduates (male and female) will be required to do two years of national service prior to entering college. This includes serving in the military, Peace Corps, VISTA or working at a Veterans or other hospital facility. No exceptions. Drop outs will be meeting the requirement upon reaching their 18th birthday. Paraphrasing JFK, "It is time to learn what you can do for your Country not what your Country can do for you": Prior to the volunteer military of the 1970's, many a person was straightened out by military service or its equivalent.

Students applying for government loans and financial aid must be majoring in an area where employment opportunities exist or are projected to exist. They may do a minor in those areas where they have an interest but the job opportunities are non- existent.

Parents, Educators, Civic and Religious Leaders need to start talking about the possibilities in America. They need to have frank discussions about the US but need to leave students and adults with hope. Without hope people will not strive to better themselves.

It is necessary to return to the ideal of personal responsibility. When we return to this concept, it will contribute to getting this Nation back in the right direction.


August 4, 2013 at 9:00 am
Richard Bunce says:

Agree with you analysis of the problem but not the proposed solutions which seem to have a large government component. For instance I do not want a government bureaucrat deciding which degrees are of value... I am very confident they will get it exactly wrong.