NCAE membership down 12 percent

Published December 3, 2014

by Bob Luebke, Civitas Review online, December 2, 2014.

The changing fortunes and influence of teacher unions is a topic we’ve chronicled on these pages (see here and here). Few people follow this story better than our friend Mike Antonucci at the Education Intelligence Agency (EIA). Yesterday EIA posted data on recentchanges in National Education Association (NEA) membership  for all NEA state affiliates.

2012-13 was not a good year for NEA or the NEA state affiliate in North Carolina, the North Carolina Association of Educators. Nationally NEA lost about 64,000  members and $3.9 million in revenue.  In North Carolina, membership was down 12 percent ,  a loss of almost 6,000 members. Total revenue was also down $1.5 million. The NCAE decline in membership was the second largest in the country, trailing only Wisconsin, which lost a staggering 16,000 members.  The NCAE member loss also exceeded those in more populous states like California (5,611), New Jersey  (5,356) and New York  (3,781).

Also worth noting, NCAE closed the year with an operating deficit of  $350,000. Approximately one-third  of all NEA state affiliates ran operating deficits last year.

Teachers continue to vote with their feet.

December 3, 2014 at 9:11 am
Norm Kelly says:

Time for a statement with redundancy. This post was obviously written by a conservative union hater!

The 'association', lib speak for 'union', in NC lost membership BECAUSE the Republicans in Raleigh told teachers they were HATED, and their pay is last in the nation. Teachers are so undervalued and overworked in our state that the majority of teachers are leaving the state for more fertile ground, higher pay, and that's the ONLY reason union membership is down. Just ask you friendly neighborhood lib about this and they will confirm my statement.

Wisconsin is a different story. In Wisconsin the Republicans did a dirty deed to teachers. They prevented union dues from being directly withheld from paychecks, and now require union members to intentionally choose to pay union dues. Since teachers were caught off-guard on this, the majority didn't get the union memo on time, they simply forgot to refile their union membership card. Just watch the news in the next several months now that this information is known nationally. Wisconsin teacher union membership will skyrocket now that teachers know they have to make a specific choice to join the union and pay for the 'benefit' out of their own pocket.

Fortunately, there are people catching on to the fact that unions' time has past. There is VERY little reason to join a union these days. Even the unions know that an educated workforce is dangerous to the future of unions. That's why both unions and the demons at the central planner level, specifically the occupier, are trying to FORCE card-check on the masses. Unless the union bosses get permission to harass individuals, maybe even in their own home, put personal pressure on individuals, their membership will continue to fall. When the labor union wanted to prevent a company from expanding and hiring MORE employees, they managed to get the NLRB, supported by the occupier and demons in Congress, to attack said company in an attempt to prevent them from boosting employment, reducing unemployment, and expanding their own bottom line. The FACTS of Boeing are still available for us to find. The central planners targeted a business that wanted to increase it's business, to hire more employees, to build a new manufacturing facility, to increase it's profits, to increase the amount of taxes it paid, because their union allies wanted them to take this action. There was NO JUSTIFICATION for this action other than an unholy alliance between unions and the democRAT party. Fortunately, this union effort failed.

It's actions like this, and others, that cause every union member to question their membership and allegiances. Educated people, which sometimes does not include teachers, are deciding NOT to support an organization that chooses NOT to support their membership; oftentimes working against the best interests of their membership.

And for the record, yes, I have belonged to a union. Not by my choice. It was a closed shop. Unless the union KICKED someone out, it was a requirement to belong to the union in order to have a job there. If the union chose to voluntarily kick someone out of the union, the company had the right to keep that employee anyway, which they often/usually did. I did everything I could to be kicked out, but since they knew this was my desire, they refused to kick me out. They wanted me to suffer with every paycheck, knowing that my hard earned money was being sucked out of me by force to support their monthly parties at the union hall. I was forced to pay for their meals, snacks, drinks, 'holiday' parties, etc., which they knew irritated me so they forced me to stay in. But I kept trying to get them to kick me out, right up to the day I finally quit. And I will NEVER belong to a union again. No Matter What! And yes, I do my level best to educate anyone I get a chance to talk with about the downside of belonging to a union. The upside is usually not visible.