NC Rep. Chris Miller wants to redirect Connect NC Bond funds
Published May 13, 2016
by Tim Buckland, Wilmington Star-News, May 11, 2016.
A portion of the $2 billion Connect NC bond approved by voters in March could be directed toward transportation under a referendum proposed by NC Rep. Chris Millis, R-Pender.
Under House Bill 1106, voters would be asked to approve taking $490 million from the bond and using the money on transportation needs instead of colleges and universities.
The Connect NC bond began as a $3 billion initiative where half of the money would be used on transportation needs. The final bond request primarily paid for improvements at universities and community colleges and included no money for transportation, something Millis has consistently opposed.
"Please find that this bill will simply allow a vote of the people to consider a portion of the UNC funds within the bond to be allocated to transportation infrastructure funding in order to help address our state's transportation needs," Millis wrote in an email to General Assembly members. "If the vote of the people fails, the bond will stay just as it is today with no harm done."
May 13, 2016 at 11:49 am
Norm Kelly says:
Thank goodness there's still elected officials like Mr. Miller who are willing to stand up and point out the lie and misleading of other elected officials.
The Connect NC Bond was ORIGINALLY sold as a transportation bond, with some money, as I recall, going toward things like Internet infrastructure for government facilities. How much of the transportation Connect NC bond is actually being spent on transportation? NONE!
Thank you for Mr. Miller for standing up and letting voters know that they've been hoodwinked. And using the word 'hoodwinked' is simply an attempt to be more polite than specifically saying that we were LIED TO!
Why is the Donald getting so many votes? Because so many voters are tired of being LIED TO!
May 13, 2016 at 2:45 pm
Diane Shore says: