NC Controller gives NCAE until Feb. 1 to verify membership
Published January 22, 2016
by Mark Binker, WRAL, January 21, 2016.
North Carolina's Office of State Controller has asked the state's largest teachers group to verify its membership numbers or risk losing the ability to have members deduct their dues directly from paychecks.
The notice, sent Thursday, came in response to a {{a href="blogpost-1}}Dec. 1 letter by Sen. , R-Mitchell{{/a}}, which questioned whether the North Carolina Association of Educators was eligible for the dues deduction service. NCAE had declined to cooperate with a state auditor's report earlier in 2015.
"Prior to taking action, I am asking you to provide me or the State Auditor evidence of your membership count and type of membership count to ensure that the NCAE is eligible for the payroll deduction program as outlined by this legislation," Controller Linda Combs wrote to the NCAE.
Combs also notified the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation that it may no longer be eligible for the payroll deduction service either.
State law requires that educators groups such as NCAE have more than 40,000 members to be eligible for payroll deductions. The group claims to have more than 70,000 members, but according to a recent audit report, only 9,452 individuals whose payroll or retirement checks are processed by the state automatically pay dues to NCAE.
Despite Hise's demand that NCAE be immediately barred from its dues collection activity, Combs wrote to Hise that she would wait two weeks for a response from NCAE before taking action.
January 22, 2016 at 10:25 am
Richard L Bunce says:
Government needs to stop forcing employers to do these independent groups dirty work. They should directly bill their members and see who really supports them.
January 22, 2016 at 11:03 am
Norm Kelly says:
'It has been critical of the GOP-led legislature's funding for schools and backed Democratic candidates for office.'
Well, there's a surprise. A union that insists on being called an 'association'. Which union DOESN'T support Democrats for elected office? When was the last time the teachers union supported a Republican? At any level? When was the last time the teachers union didn't endorse a Demon AS SOON AS they announced for office? You know, like waiting to hear the plans, i mean schemes, proposed by the demon candidate. I'm not aware that the teachers union has ever waited, in recent history, to hear what the lib candidate has planned before endorsing that candidate.
And as far as the judge blocking the states' move to prevent automatic dues deduction, the judge was/is in error. Once again we have judges who make things up as they go along. If the law says that the union MUST meet certain requirements in order to get support from the state, then the union MUST meet those requirements before getting state support.
Libs are funny people. Not funny as in 'ha ha', but funny as in quite sad and scary. When 'big oil' takes advantage of tax breaks/deductions that are available to every business, libs refer to it as government subsidizing 'big oi'. But when unions violate the law, ignore the law, demand special treatment, get benefits from the state that they DON'T qualify for, suddenly it's that Republican legislators are out to destroy the union. This isn't a case of Republicans doing dirty deeds, this is a case of Republicans trying to follow the law. It's also a case of the union violating the law!
When will this union be held accountable? When will the law be followed? Which Demoncrat pol supports this violation of law? Which demon pol or candidate for office has openly supported the law? Is this a case of donors controlling pols? Yes! But it's not new. Whenever a union controls a pol, it seems to be acceptable. Whenever a lib donor controls a pol, I'm supposed to simply accept it. Think of G Soros. Think of the ever senile Harry. Then think of the way Koch brothers are demonized for making political contributions. Demon law-makers, typically law-breakers, attempt to write specific laws that would affect ONLY Republican donors such as the Koch brothers, but allow demon-supporting unions to increase their donations without oversight!
I support Republicans in our legislature who are attempting to enforce laws that are on the books. Either the law gets enforced or the law needs to be repealed. And every demon pol that supports law-breaking needs to be named in every used-to-be-newspaper in the state. I can't imagine the Raleigh N&D ever making demon pol names known, cuz they endorse demon pols without question also. Seems the N&D is in bed with unions AND demon pols!
'It has been critical of the GOP-led legislature's funding for schools'. Has the teachers union made ANY comment about the last time education spending was CUT? I mean actually cut, not this made-up, fake cuts that demons and unions whine about. And both unions and demon pols are EXCELLENT whiners. But that's not the point, and it's not news. The news would be that the union acknowledges that Republicans have been increasing the education budget since getting into office, and the last actual cut to education was implemented by the union buddies, demon pols.
(starting to understand why i refer to them as 'demons'? they lie and their supporters accept it. they lie and their union buddies support it. they lie and we're told it's just a vast right wing conspiracy. they knowingly allow secret government documents to be processed on unsecure servers, lie about it, and their media allies support it. they force socialized medicine upon us, lie to us that we'll keep our current insurance and our current doctors and that our premiums will go down, none of which is true, and somehow we're supposed to believe that it's because Republicans did something wrong at central planner level that none of this is true, and we're supposed to just accept it. 'demons' is quite fitting.)