NAACP's Barber calls Ferguson decision 'indictment' of justice system
Published November 26, 2014
by Jim Wise, News and Observer, November 25, 2014.
The non-indictment of a white policeman in the death of a black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., is itself an indictment of a biased criminal justice system, state NAACP President William Barber said Tuesday.
Speaking at the association's head office in Durham, Barber said, "the non-indictment against Officer (Darren) Wilson is an indictment and a charge against a system that is not willing to fully address the racial and discriminatory flaws that still exist."
St. Louis County District Attorney announced the decision of a grand jury not to indict Wilson on Monday night. The announcement was carried on national television.
Wilson fatally shot Michael Brown, 18, on Aug. 9. Brown, who was a suspect in a store robbery, was unarmed.
"The question before the nation and the grand jury was whether or not an indictment to have the case properly adjudicated in the courts would occur," Barber said.
"What we saw last night was an indictment on the DA, who told the rest of the nation in essence that a kid ... a possible suspect in some form of a robbery, who is unarmed, is a justifiable candidate for death," Barber said.
Barber used the Ferguson case as a starting point to address nationwide issues, such as the disproportionate numbers of black men incarcerated, a white attitude that men of color are "genetically predisposed to criminality" and racial profiling by law-enforcement authorities.
"We're plagued with it here. ... Racial profiling is real in this state," Barber said, citing a study that found "North Carolina police are three times more like to arrest African Americans for seat-belt violations and more than twice as likely to search African Americans than whites after a speeding stop."
Barber said some NAACP members from North Carolina would be joining the start of a march from Ferguson to the Missouri state capital, Jefferson City, "to dramatize what's happening ... across this nation."
Michelle Laws, the N.C. NAACP executive director, spoke along with Barber Tuesday.
"We are troubled and discontented with the decision," she said, "not as a people who have no hope, but we do believe that working together, marching together, standing together, praying together, here in this state and across this nation ... that we will eventually see change happen."
Barber said the NAACP is calling for "actions to produce reform and stop police abuse," such as mandatory training for police on racial bias and use of force and police use of body cameras "to record every police-civilian encounter."
He also called for better accountability on police use of military weapons, "greater oversight of police officers by creation of a national police commission" and "true citizen review boards in communities across this country.
"A 2012 study produced said that ... every 28 hours a black person was killed at the hands of law enforcement," Barber said.
"We can no longer allow funeral after funeral after funeral after funeral and killing after killing after killing after killing to go on," Barber said, "and American not render a verdict on itself."
November 26, 2014 at 8:46 am
Norm Kelly says:
The Reverend Buffet Slayer is irrelevant. There were many choices as to who bothered letting us know what Mr. Irrelevant had to say. The Noise & Disturber was high on the list. Not only does the buffet slayer want to continue to stir up race relations instead of helping out, but the N&D has some bizarre interest in making sure that everything involving a white person and a black person is seen as some sort of racial bias on the part of the white person. Both buffet man and the N&D seem to have a vested interest in degrading race relations instead of helping smooth over race relations. Same goes for Holder, the occupier, Alsharpton, and many other of the race baters. Why does ANYONE pay attention to the slayer? Why do black people pay attention to him? Sometimes I wonder if blacks actually do pay attention to such id10tic blatherings or if it's just that white people want to appear to be sympathetic to some perceived black suppression. I expect that intelligent, thinking black people stopped listening to racist blatherings of their 'leaders' years ago.
'disproportionate numbers of black men incarcerated'. Perhaps there are more black men in jail than white men because black men commit more crime than white men? Is this possible? Take Chicago as a perfect example. There have been weekends, single weekends, where black on black crime has resulted in something like 17 deaths. IN A SINGLE WEEKEND! Perpetrated by blacks on blacks. So in this type of case, who is going to end up in jail? A WHITE GUY?! Of course, someone like the buffet slayer, who appears to lack thinking ability, at least logical thought processes, would expect that racial quotas would be used in jailing perps just like he expects quotas to be used in hiring practices. Except, just like hiring practices, we can expect that Mr. Buffet would also want to hide the fact that quotas were being used in consideration of who goes to jail and who does not. There probably are a few cases nationwide where blacks continue to be sent to jail for the simple reason that they are black. But it's a significant minority of cases where this happens. Do we start letting black criminals off BECAUSE they are black? Special treatment AGAIN for a specific group?
It sure would be nice if we could see change happen. How about we start with one simple step: ignore slayer's blatherings. This would go a long way to healing race relations. Same for Alsharpton. How about we stop having so many black 'leaders' making statements that indicate ZERO progress has been made since 1950 or 1940. How about we recognize that too many blacks see police as the enemy. How about we recognize that too many blacks are being raised with the notion that white people are the enemy. How about we recruit more QUALIFIED blacks to be police officers and let them work the 'poor' neighborhoods. Except, the blacks who become police officers must first be qualified, not just hired as an office because they are black! Instead of whining, the default position of libs across the nation, that there are too many white officers in black neighborhoods, the blacks actually do something about it by becoming police officers themselves. Instead of participating in black on black crime over weekends, why not work on becoming a police officer during the week. But, unlike other situations, the blacks who apply to be police officers would need to meet the same standards as non-black police recruits. Wanna bet the libs and race wh0res won't go along with that proposal?
The EVIDENCE, which is meaningless to race wh0res, shows that Brown attacked the police officer first. It was NOT the officer who attached Brown. Is Mr. Buffet willing to admit this? The purpose of a grand jury is to decide if the EVIDENCE shows a reasonable case exists. If the EVIDENCE does not show a reasonable case exists, if you are not a Texas Republican, then you are not indicted. This is the way JUSTICE works. Whether you are white, black, or otherwise, this is the way the system is SUPPOSED to work.
The report that shows every 28 hours a black person is killed by law enforcement is HIGHLY SUSPECT. I doubt this is accurate. I wonder what information was used to create this report and what information was purposely left out of the calculation so they could arrive at their desired goal. Was this report produced using the same type of 'calculations' that libs used to come up with their theory/religion of global warming? Are the libs keeping information to themselves, like the global warming lie, in order to misrepresent the truth? There are more blacks killed by blacks in Chicago during an average month than there are blacks killed by law enforcement in the average week. How many of the black 'leaders' are concerned about this? How many of the black 'leaders' are doing anything about this? How many black 'leaders' are ignoring this staggering statistic?
Isn't it about time that Mr. Buffet Slayer is ignored by the media? Since he doesn't say anything useful, how about the media only pay attention to him when he does have the rare occasion when he says something useful. This would mean that over 99% of the time he would be blathering in a vaccuum. Where he should be!