More trouble for Charlotte School of Law
Published December 29, 2016
by John Guze, The Locker Room, December 28, 2016.
The American Bar Association reports that:
Two students filed a $5 million class action lawsuit Friday against Charlotte School of Law and its parent company, Infilaw.
The complaint … accuses the law school of engaging in misrepresentation, unjust enrichment, breach of fiduciary duty and constructive fraud. The filing follows the U.S. Department of Education announcement that as of Dec. 31, it plans to cut off the school’s federal student aid, for allegedly misleading current and prospective students about its ABA accreditation status.
“Defendants maintained a relationship of trust and confidence with plaintiffs and the plaintiff class. Defendants took advantage of their position of trust, and made substantial misrepresentations to current and prospective students, in order to realize financial benefit from the tuition and fees paid by current and prospective students,” reads the complaint, which was filed in the Charlotte-based U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina.
The ABA first informed the law school that it was out of compliance with various standards in February 2016, and again in July 2016. That information was not publicly disclosed to current or prospective students, according to the Department of Education, until November 2016, when the school was placed on probation. The standards in question include 301(a), which states that law schools must maintain a legal education program that prepares students to be lawyers, and 501(a) and (b), which address admissions policies and practices.
The Charlotte School of Law appealed the ABA finding, and it was upheld (PDF) in October. At that time, the council of the ABA’s Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar placed the law school on probation; it remains an accredited law school.