More NC children living in poverty
Published July 22, 2014
by Tara Lynn, WRAL, July 22, 2014.
Despite making significant gains in health and education in the last eight years, North Carolina ranks 34th nationally in overall child well-being, according to a report released Tuesday by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
The KIDS COUNT Data Book, available in its entirety online, examines 16 measures of child well-being in four categories, ranking states from 1 to 50. North Carolina ranked 38th in economic well-being, 28th in education, 32nd in health and 36th in family and community.
"We know what children need to be successful – a healthy start in life, stable families, a quality education, and safe and secure communities," Laila A. Bell, director of research and data at NC Child, home of the NC KIDS COUNT project, said in a statement. "These data show our children are at risk of falling behind in key areas, leaving them under-prepared to compete and excel in the 21st century economy."
Twenty-six percent of children in the state lived in poverty in 2012, according to the report, up from 21 percent in 2005. A third of the state's children have parents who lack secure employment, and 34 percent are living in households with a high housing-cost burden.
Thirty-seven percent of the state's children live in single-parent families.
"North Carolina ranks a low 39th for child poverty, and a greater share of our children are being raised in high-poverty neighborhoods than in West Virginia," Bell said.
The state's children fared better in the health rankings. The percentage of children without health insurance declined to 8 percent in 2012, and child and teen deaths declined to 27 per 100,000 in children ages 1 to 19 in 2010.
North Carolina slipped one spot overall in education, but there have been significant gains in high school graduation numbers. Between 2005-06 and 2011-12, the percentage of high school students not graduating on time declined by a quarter to 21 percent.
"A well-educated workforce is a powerful tool that drives economic growth," Bell said,. "By 2018, 59 percent of all jobs in North Carolina will require some education beyond high school."